Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

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Thanks DW! I always love how they're all so comfortable with each other to mix themselves around. They don't always feel the need to be right next to their respective spouses.
So I was just thinking about it and Marg is really a very beautiful woman. I wish I was half as pretty as she is. I'm loving a lot of these images!
You know I know alot of women who have said the samething and well it gets me because honestly there are alot of pretty or beautiful women out there that don't even realize it. Why? because they are not seeing alot of what others see.

Marg maybe one of those stars (like many) who thought they were not pretty or who have issues like the rest of non celebs. Honestly I think stars have the same insecurities but until they say so..

Course having a hair and makeup crew around or being taught to do all that helps, not to mention that when they become comfortable with themselves the inner beauty (that is always first in life) just displays the outside beauty to finer distinction.

Who knows for everyone saying "I wish I was as pretty as this star or that one" maybe that star would see you and say "I wish I looked as good as her" and before you all say it would never happen, maybe they thought that to about themselves, hmm. ;)
Well I've been overweight my entire life. Now I'm not a "large" girl but I've never been able to wear a bikini. I also don't have the most amazifying face in the world either. So looking at a woman her age and realizing how beautiful she is really makes me smile. It's nice to know that for some people good looks don't fade.

I agree though and I bet that a lot celebrities aren't aware that they're so pretty. It's a shame that the standards of beauty are so warped in this society that even those who are outwardly beautiful don't even know it.
You know what? Marg actually helped me gain some self confidence. I used to be bothered by the fact that I have high cheekbones, but Marg helped me realize that even with high cheekbones, you still can be beautiful. And now I sort of love my high cheekbones. :) I think it's fine to want to be as good-looking as someone because that gives us hopes and motives. The important thing is that you don't lose faith in yourself.
And you know what's even better? That's EXACTLY what Marg would say ;)

Remember, she used to fret about her looks too - and her dad told her she'd be beautiful ;)
That's what I like about the CSI stars they're not like your average celebs these days. I could see Marg or even Jorja really wanting to send a good image to girls and women in the world. At least they're not divas like Brittney Spears
great pics Erica :D

I love the second one where she is looking for stage direction or something

The first one, WOW she looks great in purple :)

That is one of my favorite Marg pics. I know there's a another one from that shoot it is:

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