Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

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Thanks for that pic, Kaylyne! I actually don't remember seeing it before! It's a great shot of Marg and Robert.
Thanks for the pic Kaylyne. I love it too. You don't see RDH and Marg together often enough.
SSg, the host of the last three photos you were trying to post probably forbids hotlinking. You'll need to save the pics to your own webspace to post them.

That photo is great, kay. :) I remember the surprise the first time I saw it. You're right. You really don't see those two together off screen very often. :)
It's nice to see Marg with her costars offscreen. You can really tell they all get along well together, too.
thanks soo much for all the pictures everyone!

Im loving all these new ones! she looks gorgeous!! <3 .. ahhh! .. and i think her hair looks a little more red. but maybe thats just me. lol. either way, i love the pics. i love marg!

thanks again for posting!
Welcome to the Eye Candy thread, rayray. Glad to have you here. And big YAY for you. lol. Do you have a favorite picture of Marg? Would you share it with us here?
Welcome to the thread, rayray. Nothing better than Marg love :)

I'm with E - what's your favorite Marg pic?

I'm a big fan of Marg the Red. LOL. Mainly since it's her natural color, but she looks so stunning with red hair.
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