Marg/Catherine #5.0: She's Got It All

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Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

Hehe :)

Hey, Destiny...are we going to get a hint soon of what our new title is going to be? *bounces*
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

Ooo...I'm so excited about the new thread name! :D

Haha, Marg is hot.

Just watched "Fallen Idols"...when she found the crabs and said that little comment about Lindsay? :lol:
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

Marg is totally *thud* worthy ;)

And I love that scene forensics_girl. That was hilarious.
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

^LOL. We see the funny side of Marg/Cath. Her "What the heck? EW!" expression was priceless! :D

I agree. *Thud* worthy. Totally. :lol:
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

Hi All, I thought I would drop by here since Marg/Catherine is becoming my second favorite behind Grissom of course ;)

Catherine is so cool and brings a certain flare to the job. She has so much life experience and, That to me makes her a great CSI

and she has fabulous red hair!
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

Woooohooo! *throws confetti* Welcome to the Marg threads, hhunter! :) I'm glad to hear she's your *coughs* SECOND *coughs even harder* favourite CSI :p
Marg is teh awesomeness <3
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

thanks WillowsWannaBe :D
Catherine does bring something to the job that no one else does in my opinion.
With all her life experience and being a mother makes her fairly balanced (ok sort of ;) ) and able to deal with stressful situations

And Marg, I remember watching her on China Beach. She was awesome back then too! I'm looking forward to her upcoming movie with Kevin Costner
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

Yay! Hi hhunter :) Marg's thread is the place to be! :D

Marg was great on China Beach. If you head on over to Eye Candy, we've been posting some great China Beach era pics ;)
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

Hey Heather!! It's about time you got your butt over here!! :D :D
Your initiation here starts off with a simple chant:
*marg is HOT**marg is HOT**marg is HOT* :devil:

Ah yes, Marg back in the KC days. Wish I had that obscure cable channel that shows China Beach these days. I won't even waste my breath grumbling about the dvd set, because I know that ain't happening any time soon. *sigh*
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

*continues chant*

Marg is hot! Marg is hot! Marg is hot!

BTW, we should be starting a new thread soon, right? I can't wait to see what we end up with.

Speaking of the China Beach DVD set that will never be, I believe both Marg and Dana have voted to have one...
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

Destiny said:
:lol: well you all like surprises and thats all I am doing, I mean I COULD tell you all what it is... hmm But I don't know..

Destiny, stop teasing me. I'm afraid that the only woman in my life that can tease me is Marg. You interfearing with Marg teasing me. You're upsetting me.
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

Hey Heather, glad to see you here! :)

So gals, are we brainwashing Heather now? Because you know, I'm always willing to help. :D


Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

I was watching Crow's Feet on Spike the other night. The part where the Doctor takes Catherine's image and does a little "touch-up" on the computer got me thinking. What do you think Marg's feelings were about them doing that? Do you think she was bothered at all by the subject line and then having them show everyone what she'd look like with a "touch-up"?

I kind of think that Marg would be the one to have suggested the storyline - in the same way that she suggested the "sexual obsession" idea for WW.
Re: Marg/Catherine #5.0: total Thud

Margishot Margishot Margishot

I like Crow's Feet I think it brought up some good points about society, aging and women. I think Marg was great in it, because obviously the episode wouldn't have worked with Sara because she is younger than Catherine.
I'm sure she was for the episode because in the end she got on the doctor for 'battling crow's feet' instead of truely helping those that are sick and he did make the mistake of the lysis instead of it being at .3% it was at 30%
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