Marg/Catherine #5.0: She's Got It All

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Thanks Miss Criminal Mind.

And exactly. What could be better than Marg for a birthday gift?

Except perhaps Eric and Marg ;)
Jeez, I almost missed this. It's still the 5th here yet, so it's not belated. Happy Birthday, Anne. Eric & Marg for a gift? This is as close as I can get, I guess.

SpikeTV must be having a mini Marg marathon tonight. Their regular nightly 2-hours of CSI are being followed by Bad Boys. Yeah, I know, she's only in it for about 5 seconds, but I still think of it as "her" movie.
kaylyne said:
Jeez, I almost missed this. It's still the 5th here yet, so it's not belated. Happy Birthday, Anne.

I got back from my trip just in time! Happy Birthday, Drumchik!
Thanks guys :)

Kaylyne, that wallpaper is just fantastic!

And there's nothing better than a mini Marg marathon - except a BIG Marg marathon!
Okay I have a Cathrine question. The episode "The Execution of Cathrine Willows" the episode was really good first off, secondly it was open ended so is there a conclusion to this episode?
The conclusion to the ep "The execution of Catherine Williows" is done in season 5's episode "What's Eating Gilbert Grissom?"
That was a good episode. Although I have to admit I was a bit bothered that it went from being Catherine's case to Grissom's.

Also, the evil part of me would have seen Catherine as one of the potential victims - went to night school at UNLV...
Also, the evil part of me would have seen Catherine as one of the potential victims - went to night school at UNLV...
An evil part of you? Anne, you don't have an evil side, do you?! :devil: :D

It was interesting how TEOCW ended with it basically being about Grissom - how he's uncomfortable that a killer could be smarter than him. The thing that confuses me is that the original case seemed to be all Catherine, but yet she was a rookie on a serial murder case? Wouldn't a case of that importance have been overseen by someone a little higher up, like Gil? Why would they have a rookie overseeing something that big back then?

Anyway, I understood how WEGG became Grissom's case to start with. He was the one to get the case of the mulched up body at the beginning. But I liked how they still had Catherine as the driving force behind it all. I thought it was cool when she & Brass were giving the full police force the run-down of all the cases. It still makes me laugh every time I see that scene in WEGG where she walks in to the garage where Grissom is examining the painted railing. Marg realizes too late that she's too close to the railing and her paper actually touches the wet railing. That was definitely a little goof on Marg's part for that take. you see how she quickly snatches the papers away and tries to cover like it was supposed to be that way.

And what was with that Bad Boys movie on SpikeTV tonight? It wasn't Marg's movie, it was some old movie from the early 80s with the same name. Some kid with a slashed face or something. Guess it wasn't a mini Marg marathon *tongue twister alert*
Drumchik said:
That was a good episode. Although I have to admit I was a bit bothered that it went from being Catherine's case to Grissom's.

I had the same problem. I also disliked the end that it was Grissom and Brass interrogating the guy. I would have enjoyed seeing Catherine in there a lot better, considering her history with the case is 15 years old. I'm sure the killer was familiar with her too, it would have been a LOT creepier and more exciting than seeing it all linked to Grissom. As much as I liked Grissom back then, I thought that was a huge waste.
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