Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

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Marg always makes me smile. Particularly when I've had a bad day. If I see a picture or a vid of her smiling and laughing, she can always cheer me up :D
Since we're talking about Marg and Alan (Catherine and Novak), I thought I'd post a couple of pics of them together. :)


They really are a cute couple aren't they :) and they still look like teenagers in love in all pics you see of them, which is fantastic to see :D they are a sweet couple.
And look at the way he looks at her when she's talking. :)

She does that to him when he's talking, too. Personally, I think that's very sweet.
I love that. Every time you see them together and one of them is talking, the other is always listening avidly to what they have to say. It's so cute.

BTW, Erica, your location is adorable.
It is really cute, and shows the respect they have for what each other says, and listen to every word, which after being together as long as they have is lovely, and it's shown in that pic, which is fantastic.
BTW, Erica, your location is adorable.
Why thank you. :D She loves green, I love green. She loves milk, I love milk, too so it's all good. :D Although she said in her Viva interview that she loves turkey, I'm not sure whether I like it because I have never had turkey so far. Shock, no? :lol: Turkey isn't popular/common in TW because most turkey here is imported. :D
I was watching some youtube vids when Marg was on China Beach and the only thing that has changed about her from then to now is her hair. She is just as much if not now more beautiful today. I watch CSI on HD on SpikeTV and the camera just loves her.
EricaSJ, that photo you posted of Marg and Alan is simply adorable... there's just so much love in one look.... *swoon*
Hehe yes. There's a reason why they are my favorite Hollywood couple. :D Here's another one taken in 2004. She's talking to reporters and photographers and he's just watching and listening to her like that:

And I do think Marg is more beautiful now than when she was on CB. Her look might not have changed much (it's hard to ignore the [sexy] wrinkles though :lol:), but she is now older, experienced and of course, wiser. That adds up to the inner beauty of a person which shows in his/her look. :)
yeah, I saw that earlier when the TV Guide arrived in my mailbox, and I just had to shake my head and laugh. This lady must not see any of the three women when they're not on their shows and fully made up with the extra tv makeup.
*laughs* Have they ever heard about Photoshop??? Say hello to the Blur Tool.
I love those Marg/Alan pics, specially the one from the Golden Globes.
I love Marg now but I also liked the way she looked in CB, even back then she looked younger than her age.

I have a question, does anyone know from which episode this picture came from? I can't really remember. :confused:
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