Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

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Awwwww Momo. :)

I really love Marg's sense of fashion. She's always one of those who leads the tread. I'm not sure about other places, but those Eskimo boots hadn't been really popular over here until late 2005, and this set of photos was taken in 2003 according to the captions.
Marg is definately one of the coolest Americans I know... and she definately leads the pack.

Thankyou Drumchik!!

I would post a picture, but I don't know how to.. so I'm gonna go find out how to then I shall have a mega Marg upload!
WB Brynette! :D You can find the instructions on how to add pics to your post here. Looking forward to your picspam, lol.
I really love Marg's sense of fashion. She's always one of those who leads the tread. I'm not sure about other places, but those Eskimo boots hadn't been really popular over here until late 2005, and this set of photos was taken in 2003 according to the captions.
Oh those look like Uggs they've been here for ages but yeah it only became popular in Hollywood a couple of years ago. I can understand why celebs love to wear them its super comfortable!
I remember Uggs boots too. I liked them back then, but i always thought you looked like "Heidi" the girl from the Alpes by wearing them lol
But Marg looks cute :D awww momo...
Wow she looks great! I haven't watched CSI in a while. Maybe I should just get back to watching for our girl. :D

Thanks for the caps, kay!
Hottie_Cath said:
WB Brynette! :D You can find the instructions on how to add pics to your post here. Looking forward to your picspam, lol.

Many thanks!

Ok... so I just tried to upload the pic I wanted onto ImageShack as that seems to be the favourite, it uploaded fine. However, I can't post it! I followed the instructions on the link that was given... but it still won't show! What am I doing wrong?

PS I know this is offtopic, but if someone could help I'll make it up in pictures :)
^ When you upload a pic to ImageShack, it will generate posting codes for you. Go to "thumbnail size" and copy the code for "forums", then past the code to your post and that's it. Before you submit your post, you can use the preview feature to see if it looks like what you want. :)
love the Marg eye-candy.

Brynette, you need 100 posts (I believe) before you can get a picture or thumbnail to appear correctly.
I put them in a clickable links with names.
To get use to the codes use the regular reply box then you will see the UBB Code Box then..

-the URL code click that
-a gray box will pop up
-(take out the http:// part in the box)
-Now paste in the address of the picture
-Now it will ask you for a name, don't re-enter the address, for example Pretty eyes, or Pretty hair.
-When your done use the preview to make sure it came out the way you intended. ;)

For more on this there is the help guide at the top of this forum. ;)
Many thanks you guys =] Sorry for all the trouble too.. just not used to all this technical mumbo jumbo stuff lol

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