Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

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Welcome to the new Eye Candy thread! As you noticed Destiny revamped the thread title, lol. This is the thread where Marg Helgenberger / Catherine Willows Photos are posted.

Links that are not available due to cleanup: #'s 1-7

* Again, why Eye Candy?
- Eye Candy is an expression used to describe something that is most remarkable by its visual appeal. :)

Things you need to pay attention to:
Destiny said:

This thread is dedicated to Catherine/Marg Pictures and Picture discussions, of a beautiful and beloved actress/character.

Please remember the rules of picture threads.
In thumbnail form no bigger then either
2 Medium pics around 130x130, or
3 Small pics around 115x115.

Anything bigger (or over the amounts listed) should be put into no more than "6 URL Links" per post. Remember you can always show the Thumbnails with a clickable link to a bigger version.
As well remember to give URL links a name (not just re-put in the addy) a good descript of the pic will be helpful. Also please only "Showing" pictures from your own site (ie Photobucket, etc.) hotlinking is not allowed Pictures can not carry Adult Content, Swearing, Baiting, Trolling or Flaming in them.
If you are new please note that you have to have 100 posts before you can post a picture, until you reach that mark you can use the "URL" link to the picture.
Regarding the naming of body parts, some people have named certain body parts of this actress/character we have asked that it be stopped since it isn't apporperiate, again we appreciate your cooporation when it comes to this.
Adding in this reminder, there is the "Adult content" rule please don't violate it.
Otherwise have fun. ;)
The latest photo posted in the previous thread was This Marg Photoshoot for cathwillows' birthday!
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Yay! *throws confetti* I knew there was a reason why I hadn't gone to bed yet. lol.

Catherine says hi. :D

YAY a new thread! GO Marg :D woohoo
if my computer was working properly i'd post a pic, but i guess i'll have to come back later to do that...

thanks for the birthday wishes girls. and thanks Erica love the pic (as you can see in my sig ;) )
Double celebration
New Marg/Cath thread AND
Happy Birthday to cathwillows !!!
Hot damn! We love our Marg.

And Rissa, this is gonna be a friend of mine:


Yes indeedy do :D
Congratulations on the new thread! :D *steals Marg from y'all* *evil laugh* *thinks* *figuresthatmargshouldbesharedagaincausethisisjustnotgoodthewayitis*

*does a crazy happy dance with Marg and you all*
That's a lovely pic Heather. We didn't get many Catherine promo pics from season 7, however the ones we did get were all great. :)

I really like this set of season 5 promos (Harvest and Crow's Feet). I think the colors are great.
LOL since we were talking about the Bad Boys hair in the discussion thread, I thought I could post a pic of another example. It's not really bad hair, it just really doesn't fit Marg. Good thing that she's a redhead lol.

Marg in Perfect Muder, Perfect Twon:

Hehe. Marg even said that she didn't like herself as a brunette. That movie was not one of my favorites.
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