Madonna's New Single To Air During 'Miami/NY' Crossover

Whoa! Me too! :eek: I especially like Sarah Kennedy, Terry Wogan and Ken Bruce in the mornings! :) Oh, and Paul Gambaccini on Saturday evenings - he has a nice voioce! :D

We should form a club or something :lol:
Damn, now I almost (but only ALMOST ;)) wanna watch the Miami/NY show just to hear the song in it!

And of course it's ABBA's "Gimme Gimme Gimme" that's sampled. Madonna's the second artist ever to be allowed to use a sample of an ABBA song in one of their own songs. And IMHO it was put to good use, too! *loves "Hung Up"... and loves ABBA ;)*
Too bad Madonna's becoming more and more of a hypocrite every day. Like telling people they need to stop being so focussed on the wrong things in life... while she describes her Dolce and Gabanna outfit (or whatever it was) to ET... Or slamming Gwen Stefani for totally ripping off her style... etc. etc. :rolleyes:

I mean, I've never minded her music, but her hypocrisy is beginning to stretch my tolerance. Bleh.
I finally heard the song lat night on ET and all I can say is... wuh ? I don't get the big deal. The song is utterly disposable. She used to at least be on the cutting edge... now she's joining the over-sampling techno trash bandwagon. Her old techon stuff was so much better. Bleh.

But hopefully it will fit the scene on the episode. We'll see. I'm actually going to try to watch that one, and see how Mac and Horatio do together. Could be cool. :)
Baba, I love you!!!! I don't like Madonna either. I just don't get it. But I do respect her place in the music world.

Now don't get me started on the idea of putting that sweetie pie Mac with .. Hor-atio.
I find the song irritating.

The only funny part was when the DJ on Q104.1 mentioned the CSI:Miami/CSI:NY Crossover Monday and Wednesday with Madonna's song. :lol:
To all those Radio 2 listeners out there - you can't start the morning without a bit of Mr Wogan! Also, has anyone seen the mobile phone add that also uses the clip of Madonna's song? Her album is released here on Nov 14th - also my birthday - do you know what Hubby said when I mentioned it's on the same day. "If I wake up early I can go out and get it!" NO mention of if he eakes up early he can bring me breakfast in bed, or my birthday cards, or anything else!
Also, has anyone seen the mobile phone add that also uses the clip of Madonna's song?

I finally managed to catch this advert this evening whilst watching TV. Well...'hung up' lyrics...fits a mobile phone advert quite well I guess :p :lol: Ah yeah, the advert was okay, nothing special though...think I only really paid attention because I heard the new Madonna song being played in the background, and I suddenly thought 'ah this must be the mobile phone advert that poster was talking about' :)
Rats! I don't watch Miami though, so don't get to hear the re-mixed version. Is it worse or better than the normal version do you think?