Madison M/ Kay P: Lindsey Willows


CSI Level One
I think we need a thread to discuss our thoughts about the new Lindsey. :)

I've seen many posts all over the forums about the new actress that plays Lindsey, but they are all spread out and hard to keep track here is where to post thoughts i guess! :D

Do you think that Kay Panabaker will be a good Lindsey? Will she replace Madison well?

In my personal opinion, I've only seen her on Phil of the Future( :D) and she seems..perky......but then again she was acting..
I know I liked Madison's platinum blonde hair better..

I know that kay is pretty tall compared to Marg..(Kay is 5' 4", and Marg is 5' 6") so I don't know how thats going to work out..I still picture Lindsey being this petite little girl who is much shorter than her mom..

~Edited: To remove the "Spoiler Warning".~
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

Also adding in here that I was asked about creating this thread and okay'd it.

When the time comes and the ep introducing "Kay" airs, remind me and I will change the title to reflect both actresses names and remove the spoiler warning.

Happy Discussion. :)
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

sure. Thanks Destiny

Oh and another thing to add.. Kay has brown eyes....and marg has blue, and if i'm not mistaken timothy (who played eddie) has blue it doesn't really make sense to cast someone with brown eyes...
but thats just me being nit-picky :D
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

Gotta say I'm un-decided atm. I wasn't happy at all when I heard that Madison was replaced. I got used to her, she was with the show since the pilot. So changing her now after 6 seasons seemed odd to me.

But then again, if the spoilers are true, maybe they indeed need a girl who can do the rebellious teen better. Can't say I'm happy about hearing even more problems regarding Lindsey but... we will see.

The height thing is interesting, though. I also think Kay looks more like Marg than Madison did, actually. That's probably a matter of POV, though... some find Madison better.

All I can say is, I'm intrigued. I'm curious how Kay's gonna be. I haven't seen her in anything before.
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

=P Heh, I think that Madison played a bratty little kid pretty well. But Lindsay grew up--and into a completely different person =P Madison really looked like a little girl, this new one looks like a teenager a bit more. They could have found someone who looks just A LITTLE like Madison did though, don't you think?
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

Here is some more info and links I thought you all might find of interest about the actress, if you knew cool, if you didn't here ya go. :)

Kay's official site states that she is a High school graduate (IMDB Stated she graduated when she was 13) and her official site states that, -- at the tender age of 15, is not only a veteran of television, stage, and film, but also holds a college degree! & Kay has earned her Associates Degree (a 2-year college degree) and is preparing to enter UCLA in the fall as a 16 year-old junior.

Kay has a sister who is two years older, Danielle Panabaker -- Extraordinarily focused, Danielle completed her high school education early, graduating as valedictorian at age 14. She enrolled in college classes the same year and has completed her Associate's Degree, managing to juggle work while earning grades that secured her a spot on the National Dean's List. She is now beginning her senior year at UCLA. (Source Danielles official website).

Danielle and Kay also share now CSI in common as Danielle appeared on CSI LV, In the 2003 ep "Playing with fire" she didn't have a name just listed as "Girl".
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

Seeing as how I am usually very opposed to re-castings (though there have been instances when a re-casting has actully worked out), I can't say I was very happy when I heard they were replacing Madison. For one thing, she's Lindsey for me. I've seen her as the cute little kid in the Pilot, and I've seen her as the normal "going into teenagehood" later on.

My faith in TPTB is anything but stabile at the moment, but I'm hoping they made a good choice with Kay. If for nothing else, I'm glad to be seeing more of Lindsey (and with her, Catherine) again.
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

After the disappointing ep "Daddy's Little Girl" I dont have that much faith in TPTB at the moment. And also I like Madison as Lindsey I thought she was great, and I dont really like this actress much. If she can pull it off fine, but I dunno I guess its because Im so used to the other actress I can'timagine anyone else taking her place. And where is she being re-casted anyway? Was it her decision or TPTB?
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

Well, I've only seen KP in one thing - she played the creepy little girl/conduit to the Senior Partners in "Angel" - and let me tell you, she played creepy extremely well. Judging from this performance, I'd say she's a good actress *shudders* (sorry, the thoughts of that little girl still creeps me out) :lol:


I'm looking forward to seeing what she does with Lindsey.
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

Wow, I didn't know she could play creepy..but then again all I saw her on was Phil of the perky Debbie :D lol

I think its really hard for re-cast actresses, because if it is a significant part then they know they have a lot of work to do to fill the previous actresses shoes (i hope that meade sense)
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

I am all for it. I have seen the kid act and she is good. Lindsey needed to be older on the show to create more challenges for Catherine and be a more significant character. I think recasting her is great. I hope we see more of this older, new Lindsey.
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

Noooooooo!!!!!!! Is it for certain or some obnoxious rumour from websites that aren't particularly fond of Catherine/Marg? :(

I love Madison as Lindsey. I think that she's grown up quite well and does play the bratty teen very well although I don't care for that direction. Recasting hasn't worked so far on this show. Look at what they did with Brass's daughter Ellie. I really, really hope that this isn't true. :eek: :eek:
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

No, it's not a rumor, it is true. Even the official press release about the episode cast confirmed it. But I guess the best confirmation will be the episode itself.
Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers*

Thanks Zsa. Booo hissssss. I wonder who's decision this was? I feel bad for Madison because I heard somewhere that she really enjoyed doing the show. This is a dumb decision. If they had to do a recast (which they didn't :mad:) at least find someone who is more similar to Cath?Marg the way Madison is. :mad: