Mac's Daughter


Which actress do you think would be most like Mac's daughter, or looks the most like him? I know that it's random, but it's been bugging me
I didn't know Mac had a daughter. I don't remember it being mentioned. I know Mac's wife had a son (Reed) who we have met, but that's all I know. Where did you hear that he had a daughter?
I didn't know Mac had a daughter. I don't remember it being mentioned. I know Mac's wife had a son (Reed) who we have met, but that's all I know. Where did you hear that he had a daughter?

i dont think mac had any kids with claire,remember the scene where mac and reed was talking (a the diner i think)after reed mistook stella as claire and reed asked mac if he and claire had kids and he said no.thats as best i can remember about it.
He doesn't. I saw it at some website, but I did some more digging, and it was bogus. Still, if Mac did, who do you think should play her?
Hello, :). I can be sure that Mac don't have any daughter. Anyway, IF the writers wants to slip someone inside the cast as Mac's daughter, they can. Because writers can do whatever they want. :D
Asprine---> AMAZING avvie :D

Sheriinh is right, he had not kids with Claire. It's one of biggest all-times Smacked questions: why didn't he have any kid with her considering how much he loved her

I have said before Aiden had a beautiful father-daughter relationship with him and she was "daddy's little girl" because she was his fav. But she wasn't his biological daughter of course

Debbie :D
Sheriinh is right, he had not kids with Claire. It's one of biggest all-times Smacked questions: why didn't he have any kid with her considering how much he loved her

Debbie :D

Like someone else said - the writers can do what they want. I wonder if something was wrong that they couldn't have children? we're talking whole new territory. Not that I would wish that on anyone - that's agony. Or, maybe Claire felt bad about giving Reed up when she was younger? Who knows?
Maybe they just didn't get around to it? How old was Claire when she died? She might have considered having them later but of course... never had a chance. Though, I really can't see Mac with kids somehow. When he was talking to Reed for the first time and he asked if Mac and Claire had any children - he did sound perhaps a bit regretful that they would never have the chance now.
Reed asked him about it in one ep, he said they talked about it but never seemed to have time....yeah what Fiona said.
I think what HaileyBurns means is - lets pretend that Mac finds out he has a daughter, which actress would be fit to play the role?
Well, it's actually pretty easy for a man to father a child and not be aware of it! Mac doesn't really seem like he's the "one night stand" type, but if he had even a single experience of casual sex (maybe back in his Marine days) it could have resulted in the conception of a child he's never met.
As for who should play this mythical daughter. . .Gary Sinise has a daughter (or maybe two) right? If she is at all interested in acting, seems like that would be the logical choice.