CSI Level Three
And of course she still was insisting at the end of Season 3 "Because you adore me. I know you do". It seemed she tried to convince herself or maybe to him:vulcan:
The ultimate silly decition was taking him with her to London(with a forced invitation) and then dump him via mail?????? Sorry it sounds too inmature for my taste:vulcan:
Definitely leaving her in London was the best decition to EVERYONE!!:thumbsup:
(But i must confess it would be fun to have her back for one episode. I'd lov to know if she could explain her behaviour:rommie:
Debbie (evillllllllllllllll
:lol: )
Poor Guy!:alienblush: Stella going Rambo on him it's not like the five o'clock tea:lol:
but it's not going to be 100% at least Sid leaves them alone:drool::drool::drool::drool:
The scene is going to be adorableI'm intrigued to see if our spoiler pic of a happy Mac and Stella is actually as great as it looks... Well, here's hoping.
it was her fault because she wouldn't have to accept Mac again when he went to her feeling guilty in Silent Night. It was the guilt which led Mac to The Virus again looking for her:vulcan: But the damage was already made before when she said "You are not ready for ussssssss":scream:. Mac calling her "Claire" didn't help at all:scream:So she broke up with Mac IN A LETTER. She knew she couldn't steal Mac's heart from Stella. Mac will dump her later or sooner.
And of course she still was insisting at the end of Season 3 "Because you adore me. I know you do". It seemed she tried to convince herself or maybe to him:vulcan:
The ultimate silly decition was taking him with her to London(with a forced invitation) and then dump him via mail?????? Sorry it sounds too inmature for my taste:vulcan:
Definitely leaving her in London was the best decition to EVERYONE!!:thumbsup:
(But i must confess it would be fun to have her back for one episode. I'd lov to know if she could explain her behaviour:rommie:
Debbie (evillllllllllllllll