Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"
Okay, I've got a lot to say today... now where should I start...?
CSI_Willows! Good to see you back on the thread again... and thanks for not thinking my David-Boreanez-as-a-fireman idea was crazy!
So the penguins are still a hot item? Maybe we a combination: a hot fireman with a cold penguin?
They're still a hot commodity... in fact, I have part two of the SMACK penguin scene! Sorry it took so long... I was detained by unexpected events, aka the birth of my new baby cousin. The weird thing is that she was born exactly ten days after my birthday. Because of that, I'm forced to divide the scene into three parts this time... hopefully, part three will be finished soon. Anyways, here you go!
Stella froze. Inwardly, she was cursing herself for wearing high heels, in a room that substituted for Antarctica no less! Aware of their compromising position, she at first tried to detach herself from him, but the calm look on his face made her stop. She looked down at him curiously. "Hi."
"Hi." A smile slowly graced Mac's face. "You alright?"
"Yeah," she nodded slightly, her hair brushing the side of his face, "I didn't hurt you, did I?" Her only response was his arms shifting to hold her more securely. "You know, the little guy was right in front of you. You could have just scooped him up and we wouldn't be in this position."
Mac chuckled as he looked past her. "Well, here's your chance. Looks like we've got company." Stella turned her head in the direction he was looking in. The penguin was now near them, squating and bobbing its head as it squawked. The sight alone was enough to break the unfamiliar tension. She unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, not noticing the questioning look in his eyes.
Stella picked herself up, scooping the penguin into her arms as she stood. The bird chattered contently as she gently stroked the top of its head, pleased with the change in scenery. "Trying to get our attention, huh?" she chided. "Next time, try not to make klutzes out of us. We can't exactly do our jobs if you insist on putting us out of commission."
She turned to look down at Mac, who was still sprawled out on the floor. "Are you sure you're alright? The floor could easily double as a skating rink."
Mac grimaced as he slowly pulled himself up. "Yeah, considering that you knocked me off my feet." He stumbled slightly as attempted to straighten up. Stella barely managed to catch him, but she was able to loop her free arm around his waist, allowing him to put his arm around her shoulders and lean against her for support.
Taking a moment to help Mac regain his balance, she couldn't help but quip, "I'm beginning to think I have some sort of effect on you."
It's not one of my better scenes... anyways, let me know what you guys think, especially you
karu--- we could use that

, but i don't think that they have that special glass in the lab:vulcan: do you have any idea off how we could get into the lab so we can fix it so the lab get's that special glass??

Easy... have the glass wall broken during a case and then the repairs can be done with the special glass. Just don't have a lab explosion... maybe someone could break the glass instead?
Ok big examn today so i coudn't post all i wanted yesterday and suddenly i find myself with glass walls and Mac and Stella 's making out session inside...let's say that's something:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:: guffaw::guffaw:
Good luck
Debbie... by the way, if not David, then which actor do you want to see play the fireman? And I don't like the idea of SMACK making out with other people either :scream:... I can handle flirting though.
Even though he is a total cutie, it would just look like he was cheating on Bones (They are already paired up in my noggin.

Vave and
gio are Brennan/Booth fans too! No worries, we can come up with someone else.
Colin Firth :wtf:? Maybe not him, but I like the idea of an English fireman... accent and all! I like the idea of an Aussie fireman though. Maybe we need an Australian actor to be the fireman... how 'bout Hugh Jackman? *silence* Or is he too famous?
So the penguins are still a hot item? Maybe we a combination: a hot fireman with a cold penguin?
and stella and mac meet at the middle?
works for me =p
*raises hand* I second that :thumbsup:! *sits back and watches the fireworks*