Mac and Stella more than friends?

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Smackfanforlife, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. Smackfanforlife

    Smackfanforlife Dead on Arrival

    Feb 10, 2010
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    I really didn't know what to call it. Anyway, i was watching the episode when Stella's apartment burned down, and for some reason, i thought of making this story, where Mac's apartment burned down. idk why... anyway, there will probley be a lot of parts. I made it all up, and blah blah.. I do NOT own anything. And as you all know if i did, Mac and Stella would be together by now. :D anyway, Enjoy. :D

    Chapter 1.

    It was getting late. The team was getting ready to go. Mac and Stella had a fight over a case. Nothing big, but they solved it. So they all went home. Except for Mac. (As always) He stayed late. He wondered what Stella was doing. He sighed as he stared out the window in his office.

    As Stella got home, she didn't feel like eating, so she just went to bed. She shut out her light, and tried to sleep. She kept wondering what Mac was doing. She kept thinking and thinking. Minutes later she finally went to sleep.

    Mac was finally at his apartment, asleep on his couch. He was so beat from work, he didnt bother to change out of his work clothes. He was still trying to think of what Stella is doing. He couldn't stop dreaming and thinking about her. He smiled in his sleep.
    "Oh will ya light the dang lighter already!" Mark yelled at his partner Frankie. "DONT RUSH ME!" Frankie yelled back. He light the lighter, and threw it in the room. "THERE! YA HAPPY!" He yelled. "BE QUIET YOU LITTLE.." Mark yelled. "well look whos talkin." Frankie said back. "Oh lets just get the heck out of here!" Mark said as they left. The fire in the room was spreading quickly.
    "What in the world?!" Mac said as he finally woke up at 4:eek:o in the morning. He looked around to find his place on fire. He grabbed his Blackberry, and his gun. He ran all over his apartment yelling and banging on doors, telling people to get out. Finally he got outside. Watching the firemen try to put out the blaze. It's all gone. He thought to himself as he watched his apartment still on fire. All gone....

    Stella was sleeping when her phone buzzed to life. "damn." She said as she looked at the caller ID. It was Flack. "this better be good Flack, i was sleepin here." She said as she sat up in bed. "Yeah sorry bout that Stel, but listen, its about Mac" He began. "What? Is he okay?" She asked worried. "Yeah hes fine but, his apartment burned down. He got nothin'. Hes a little shakin, ah who am i kidding, hes a LOT shakin up." Flack said. "I'll be there ASAP" She said. "Ok, hurry Stel, hes drinking, and asking me if i wanna dance to "Apple bottom jeans" with him. Help me Stel." Flack said. They hung up and Stella got dressed, and headed over to Mac's place.

    Stella finally got to Mac's place. He was now sitting on the curb. "Is he ok?" Stella asked. "yeah, just sad, and drunk." "Oh boy." "what?" "I can only imagine Mac drunk." She said. Flack chuckled. "Theres one DB it was his neighbor. Hawkes is checking him out, maybe you outta take Mac to your place Stel."Flack said. "I am, but scared, i never seen him drunk." She said looking at Mac." Me neither, i'll see you tomorrow or whatever Stell, and be careful." "I will. See ya Flack." Stella walked over to Mac. "Hey." She said. "Hey..S..l..p.. what's you name again?" Mac asked. Stella shook her head. "Come on Mac." "what?" "were going to my apartment." She said.

    Minutes later they arrived at Stella's place. "Wha..What are.. we.. doing.. here?" He asked as they were in the elevator. "You are really drunk arent you?" Stella said as she pushed the button to go to her floor. "Are..we..gonna..have..." Mac started before Stella cut him off. "No were not." "Then..why...are...we....h...ere?" He asked. He was reaching for the button to stop the elevator. Stella tried to stop him, but he still was strong. "Fine! we are gonna...." She started. "We are?" He asked. Stella sighed. "yes. You jusy have to come with me, and behave." She said. "Great." He said with a wide grin.

    They finally got to Stellas floor, and she let him in her place. "Now looky mister, you smell like crap. So go take a shower, and then ill fix your hands, and then.. you know." She told him as she handed him fresh clothes. "But.." He started. "Mac dont argue with me. You and me both know that you won't win." She said. "Fine." He said. So he went to take a shower. Then Stella fixed his hands. They both had a lot of cuts and burns on them. "so now what?" He asked. She raised an eye-brow. Good, he forgot that I told him we were gonna.. ya know. Perfect. Stella thought. "Now you go to bed." She said. "But.." he started."Macccc..." She said. "fine.." He said. He got in the bed in her spare bed-room. and she shut out the light, and she left.

    She went to her bedroom, got changed, shut out her light, and got into bed. she kept thinking about Mac. Goodnight Mac. She thought to herself. Then soon enough, they were both asleep.

    Chapter 2 will be done probley tomorrow. :D See you tomorrow. :D :D :D
  2. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    oooh more more!
  3. Smackfanforlife

    Smackfanforlife Dead on Arrival

    Feb 10, 2010
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    Okay, here's Chapter 2. :D

    The next day, Mac and Stella both went to work. "Hey Mac, how you holding up?" Flack asked as he and Mac were in Mac's office. "Im good. Listen Don, did i say or do anything yesterday?" Mac asked. "Uh.. yes.. You kept asking me to dance to the song "Apple Bottom Jeans" with you" He said smiling. "Oh.. im sorry Don i was.." "Hey its no prob Mac. So,
    where are you staying?" "At Stella's" "ooooooo" Flack said smiling big. "Just as a friend Don." " hmm mm." He said. Mac looked annoyed. "Go do your work Don" "Okay boss" He said as he left still smiling his famous smile.

    They were piecing things together to try to find out who burned down Mac's place.

    "A COP!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN A COP WAS IN THAT APARTMENT!" Mark yelled at Frankie. "HEY HEY! I DIDNT KNOW THERE WAS A COP IN THERE!" "AW DAMN YOU FRANKIE!" "LOOK! THE DANG COP IS ALIVE!" "oh! perfect!" "WILL YA JUST SHUSH YOUR YAP YA BIG FAT THING!" Frankie yelled. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!" Mark yelled. "Look, we'll take care of the cop later, right now, lets do our best not to get caught." Frankie said.
    Hours past, and it was time to go home for the team. Stella and Mac headed to her place. "Listen Stel, did i do or say anything yesterday?" Mac asked as they sat down to eat. Stella thought. "Actually yes."She said. "was it worst than me asking Flack if he'll dance to "Apple Bottom Jeans" with me?" He asked. "well... yeah..." "Uh oh, come on spill it out, what did i ask?" He said. "You asked if we were gonna have.... ya know..." Stella said. Mac dropped his fork. His eyes went wide. "Oh god Stella, im.. im so sorry.. I" "Hey hey, it's ok. I know you were drunk Mac." Mac sighed and looked at Stella. "Thank you Stella, for everything." "It's no problem Mac. It's what we do." She said. Mac smiled. They continued eating, and Mac helped Stella clean up.

    "I'm gonna go straight to bed. Im so beat."Mac said as they walked up staires. "'K. And I am gonna go take a shower then go staight to bed."Stella said. "K." So Mac headed to his bedroom. (Stella's spare bedroom) and got dressed for bed. He knows he already told Stella thank you, but he wanted to tell her again. So he walked to her room, and opened the door. Only to find Stella in only her Pants, and her Bra. "Oh Stella.. I.." Mac stammered as he turned around and his face becoming beat red. "Oh! Mac!.. Uh..." Stella stammered also. "I uh... should've knocked.. sorry.. ill.. just.. uh... leave... and.. uh..." Mac started. He couldn't think straight. "Did you wanna tell me something?" She said walking towards the bathroom. "Uh yeah, but ill uh.." "Ill go in ur room and let you know when its safe." she said smiling. "that. uh.. Okay." Mac said leaving.

    He sat on his bed, and heard Stella humming in the shower. He couldn't get that image of her in just her pants and bra out of his head. Stop it Mac! That's your partner, your best friend! part of him told him. Wow Mac. Smoooothhhh.. Tell her how ya feel, and me and that other part of you will stop going back and forth. The other part said. Dont be silly, Mac, DONT tell her, she doesnt like you like that. "Shut up!" Mac said. The he sighed, and layed down watching Tv, trying to relax.

    As Stella was in the shower, she couldn't stop thinking of Mac's face beat red when he saw her. Stammering, smoothhhh Stel. Part of her told her. Look, im gonna say this as nicely as i can: TELL HIM HOW YA FEEL ALREADY! The other part of her told her. Nah dont. he doesnt like you like that. Does to! "Be quiet!" Stella said as she got dressed, and headed out the bathroom.

    Stella knocked on Mac's door. "Are you dressed?" Mac asked smiling. "Yes. All the way." She said. Mac frowned. "Come in" So Stella came in, and walked over to Mac. "soo, you wanted to tell me something?" she said. "Uh yeah. I just wanted to say thank you.. again.. I know this must be awkward.." Mac said still trying to think straight. "like i said Mac, its no problem, it's what we do for the ones we care about." She said smiling.
    Mac smiled. "goodnight Stel" He said as Stella left. "Goodnight Mac" She said smiling.

    Soo, what do ya think? The next Chapter, will have Mac&Stella together as a couple. Oops, i gave some of it away. :( Oh well, i'll surprise you with somethin' else. :D
  4. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I can't wait :)
  5. Smackfanforlife

    Smackfanforlife Dead on Arrival

    Feb 10, 2010
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    Okay, sorry about the late update. I wasn't feeling well the past couple days. :( But anyway, here it is: Chapter 3. :D

    Chapter 3

    "Hey" Stella said walking into Mac's office the next day. "Hey, look Stel, im uh, sorry about last night, should've knocked." He said. "Well, although that is true.." She said smiling. "It's ok." Mac smiled and nodded. They talked and talked about their case. (who set Mac's place on fire)

    Frankie paced the floor. "Okay, so we've avoided the cops.. for now, so now what do we do?" He asked still pacing. "Well, i have no clue, i mean that cop is all over this fire thing, him AND his team." "Well we've stalked every single one, but we still got nothing." Frankie said. Just then they heard a knock at the door. Mark opened it. "GASP! YOU!"
    Hours later:

    Mac and Stella were home. (i wanted to skip the work part, to get into SMACK :D ) Mac was setting the table, as Stella came down the staires. As she headed to the table where Mac was, Mac turned around, tripped, and fell forward. (He caught his balance, but..) As he fell, their lips brushed for a breif second. "WOAH!" Stella said as she helped him. They looked into each others eyes. Mac leaned closer, so did Stella. Then, their lips kissed passionately. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and his arms wrapped around her waist. They slowly pulled apart, locked their eyes onto each other they both slowly formed a smile on their face, and kissed again. They once again pulled apart and smiled.

    They sat down, ate, cleaned up, and headed to their room. (Mac was now in Stella's room with her.) "Be right back" She said as she went to take a shower. A few seconds later, Mac heard the water running, and Stella humming. He smiled as he got ready for bed.

    "GASP! YOU!" Mark said. It was Payton who was at the door. ( :eek: )
    "hi" she said. "I have some information on the cop." So after Mark let her in, all 3 of them talked and talked. "so their together?" "Yes, i just left from Stella's apartment. And if your wondering, this isn't a trick. I hate her for stealing him away from me, and i hate him, for, well, its a long story." She said. "I have the perfect idea." Frankie said smiling evily.

    Stella finished her shower, and walked into their bedroom. They both cuddled with each other. They kissed and kissed. Soon she was on top of him, un-doing the buttons on his shirt. Then you know. About an hour later, they were both in the blanket, snuggled next to each other. "Your amazing Mac."Stella said getting closer. "Well your amazing yourself" Mac said as he pulled her closer. "Goodnight Mac." "Goodnight Stel" Mac turned off the light, and they both went to bed peacefully.

    Soo, what do you think? I know you all hate me for bringing Payton into this. Sorry. I was out of ideas! HeHe. Anyway, what will Payton,Mark,And Frankie do? How will Mac and Stella work out? Will the team find out? Do any of them get injured? find out that and more, on my next chapter coming soon. :D
  6. Smackfanforlife

    Smackfanforlife Dead on Arrival

    Feb 10, 2010
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    :hugegrin: Okay, here it is: Chapter 4. I still don't own anything. I wish I did. (I'm also on '' Im smackfanforlife on there 2.) :hugegrin:

    Chapter 4

    The next day was the same as every day at the NYPD. Cases here,cases there. Mac and Stella got the team together and told them their dating. And of course the team was happy. (Who wouldn't be?) So of course they celebrated.

    A couple hours later, they headed home. On their way to Mac's car, Stella and Mac heard a voice. "Well well well..." It was Mark. He was there with Frankie. "Do we know you?" "Well, i dont wanna say this, but I do, so here it is: We're the ones who torched your place" Mark said with a smile. Mac and Stella just glared angrily at them.

    "What do you want?" Stella asked. "Well, we wanna let you know, we have a partner." Frankie said. Mac and Stella looked at each other. "Oh Payton dear, could you come our please?" Mark asked with a big grin.
    Mac's eyes went wide. Stella's eyes went wider. They say Payton step out from behind a SUV. "Payton, :wtf: " Mac said.

    They talked and talked. "Don't worry, you'll see us again." Payton said. Then she took our something, and slammed it into the ground. and POOF! there was smoke everywhere. Even though the smoke dissapeared quickly, Mac and Stella couldn't find where they went. "I dont belive that just happened." Stella said once they got home. "Me neither."

    Days went by....

    "NYPD! FREEZE! GIVE IT UP FRANKIE..AND MARK....AND PAYTON!" Mac yelled pointing his gun at the three along with serveral other police officers. "NEVER!" Payton, as stupid as she is, yelled, then ran. So the police officers shot and killed her. HAHA! TAKE THAT YOUR MONSTER! :)
    So they arrested Frankie and Mark.

    9 Months later:

    "I don't belive how cute they are" Lindsey said to Stella and Mac.
    Oh yeah, forgot to mention: Stella was pregnate, and they got married. Srry. :/ Anyway....

    "Thx Linds. I have the perfect names: Mac Jr, and Ashley." Stella said. "AWWWWWWWWWWWWW" They all took turns holding the two cute new born babies. They talked and talked. Danny and Lindsey shared their stories of when Lindsey was pregnate. The team cracked up at every one.

    So Mac&Stella went on to living their lives: Happy,and Fun. They never thought they would be together.

    Srry this is short, you wouldn't belive my day I had. :( Anyway, hope you enjoyed. :)

    Now if they don't get Mac&Stella together, I'm literally gonna go to the producers, and SMACK the crap out of them until they put them together. :) hehe. Theres 2 things I want for CSI:NY:

    1. They make a CSI:NY movie. (THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!)
    2. They make Mac&Stella get together. (That would be even better.)
  7. Smackfanforlife

    Smackfanforlife Dead on Arrival

    Feb 10, 2010
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  8. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    lol :) Funny.
  9. lal

    lal Pathologist

    Mar 28, 2009
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    More please :)


    Jul 16, 2010
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    I love Mac and Stella!! They are AWESOME!!

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