Mac #8: hot man on the radar

mac #8: ???

  • hot man on the radar

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • we need more ACTION!

    Votes: 5 6.6%
  • taylor girls attack on the locker room

    Votes: 6 7.9%
  • the Big Apple's boss man

    Votes: 16 21.1%
  • we are oatmeal people

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • what a man!

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • New York's hottest CSI

    Votes: 13 17.1%

  • Total voters
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GENIUS!!!!! This one has my vote all the way! :D I have to admit, I may be able to write pages and pages about Mac, but I'm hopeless when it comes to titles... :p So i'm ever so grateful for all the ideas you guys have come up since i last had time to poke my head in here (damn work...!!!!).

So, to organize a bit, do we want to start listing our favs so the mods know which choices to put in the new thread/poll? I mean, by all means new ones can certainly be suggested, but I am going to put my top 10 into a bit more of a voting list for when the new thread opens.

1. Mac #9 - New York's Hottest Detective
2. Mac #9 - 8433 Is Our Number
3. Mac #9 - 2 Hot 2 Handle
4. Mac #9 - Bad Guys Beware
5. Mac #9 - Class Act!
6. Mac #9 - He's As Stubborn As He Is Sexy
7. Mac #9 - Subtle and Sexy
8. Mac #9 - It's Detective. Detective Mac Taylor
9. Mac #9 - 2 Sexy 4 Words
10. Mac #9 - We've Got Our Mac On
<-- my fav so far :D

And Sam? That's an awesome pic!!!!!!! Do you mind if i post it at the 'Precinct'? :)

Course I won't mind! I warmly suggest to do so I can view it from there! :lol::thumbsup:

Thanks for the list. There started to be titles everywhere here now it's much more easier to read and decide. You've chosen really good ones. I like your list a lot.

I like number 10. a lot. Not sure if I understood the meaning right, ah I gotta watch that scene. :lol:

Also 3. is my favourite. Short and simple and all true! :D:devil:

This week s6 episode 'Formula' comes out in here. I thought to post a pic or from the episode. :)
Jade, thanks for the list (and glad you like my title idea 'We've Got Our Mac On). We have Flack to thank for that! ;)

Sam, thanks very much for the pic, it is :drool::drool::drool::drool: I love that episode purely for the Mac hotness (and for Little!Mac at the end).
Yes, Mac + Flack = awesomeness :D:D

awwwww, that is SUCH a cute Mac pic, Sam *melts* :adore::adore::adore::adore:

And speaking of pics, I brought one myself -


and the pic made me think of a possible title finally (i told you guys i was bad at titles...)!

Mac #9: New York City's Guardian because he views it as "his" city, and one he has to take care of. A sentiment i can certainly relate to :) haha, but even though it's mine, i still think i like MacsLady 'Flack' title better :lol: But at least now i feel as if i've contributed to the effort :p
2. Mac #9 - 8433 Is Our Number
3. Mac #9 - 2 Hot 2 Handle
5. Mac #9 - Class Act!
10. Mac #9 - We've Got Our Mac On

These are my favorites. If I had to pick I would be tied between 8433 Is Our Number OR We've Got Our Mac On. I also like the other other two though.
Yes, Mac + Flack = awesomeness :D:D

awwwww, that is SUCH a cute Mac pic, Sam *melts* :adore::adore::adore::adore:

And speaking of pics, I brought one myself -


and the pic made me think of a possible title finally (i told you guys i was bad at titles...)!

Mac #9: New York City's Guardian because he views it as "his" city, and one he has to take care of. A sentiment i can certainly relate to :) haha, but even though it's mine, i still think i like MacsLady 'Flack' title better :lol: But at least now i feel as if i've contributed to the effort :p

Okay, my reaction to this pic was: 'WOW. *Jaw drop* *drool, slobber, drool* *swoon* :devil::drool::devil::drool::drool::devil::devil:

Dang, but I'd forgotten (bad me) how hot he looked in that leather jacket and in s1 in general. I haven't seen that episode in ages because it's not on my s1 boxset.

I really love that title, Mac#9: New York City's Guardian - I agree with you, he sees it as *his city* and one he has to take care of.
Mac#9: New York City's Guardian.

That title seems a little incomplete, to me. Here's what I think is missing in bold, italicize, underlined type:
Mac #9: New York City's Guardian Angel.

I love the CSI: Miami MIA/NYC Non-Stop screen cap, Jade. Makes me wanna dig out the episode and watch it.
There's a while until the new thread will open, so you can probably wait a bit to pick a new title. ;)
heh, I know, but coming up with titles for Mac is fun :D

And heya everybody! Now, I know there's no new Mac until Sept ( :( ) and I've been gone overseas for nearly a month, but our Detective's thread at the very bottom?! :eek: Well, to make up for my absence, I've brought pics :D

So, from the epic season 1, here are some stills from 'A Man a Mile' -













:drool: :devil: :drool: :devil: :drool: :devil: :drool: :devil: :drool: :devil: :drool: :devil: :drool: :devil: :drool:
^ is about all that can be said ;)
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Originally Posted by vegaslights
There's a while until the new thread will open, so you can probably wait a bit to pick a new title.
Originally posted by Jade_Nolan
heh, I know, but coming up with titles for Mac is fun

Yeah, comin' up with titles is indeed fun but I guess I should post more so we could actually make into new thread before new season starts in US. :lol:

Originally posted by Jade_Nolan
And heya everybody! Now, I know there's no new Mac until Sept ( ) and I've been gone overseas for nearly a month, but our Detective's thread at the very bottom?! Well, to make up for my absence, I've brought pics

Heya back at you dear mate! :D

Yeah I've been busy with my uni exams recently and haven't been able to visit here.:( I surely have more time all the way to September when term in uni starts.

So I...
better... *headslap*
remember... *headslap*
come here! :lol::lol::lol:

Aww pictures from s1. LOVE THEM!!! Timing is perfect since they're showing season 1 in here at the moment! :D It's funny to get two Mac dosed per week. Weds new episode from s6 and Thurs ep. from s1

Can't complain! :D

Well I have to post one pic just to make up all the time I've been out but I don't have my vicked memory stick with me so I had to dig something from pb-file! :lol:

Let's keep the theme Jade! ;)

Ah, s1 Mac. Season 1 is my favourite season of the show. I just love sad, angry, grieving, grim, dark Mac. It was great to see him lighten up and open up from s2 onwards, but throughout s1 Mac had this certain wonderful intensity that we've only seen in a few eps since (Yahrzeit, Epilogue, Nothing for Something, Exit Strategy). He wore the blue CSI jacket a lot back then too:drool: and was out on crime scenes a lot more - these last couple of seasons he's taken more of a boss/supervisor role which means being cooped up in the office. But for all his dark/grim/grieving/depressed/angry/sad aspect in s1, Mac had (and still does) a wonderful, sly, sneaky sense of humour which we very rarely saw in s1 but was all the more noticeable when it did come out (his sense of humour has come out a lot more since s2, which is a very good thing) and also a genuine sense of compassion and real desire to see justice done. s1 Mac was basically the *essence* of Mac, it defined him and showed us who he *is* and while the writers have done a great job of developing/broadening Mac over the years, and I hope they will continue to do so, the s1 Mac is very much central still to who Mac is now - just look at episodes like 'Nothing for Something', 'Epilogue', 'Exit Strategy'.

I enjoy all the episodes of CSI NY, whenever Mac's on screen I'm happy, but s1 really was just brilliant in terms of Mac stuff. But we've had some brilliant stuff in more recent seasons too.

And hey, 7 years on and he's as hot as ever. :drool:

Thanks to Jade and Sam for the lovely pics! *melts*
hey all, i'm Jess from the Uk and i'm new here. Just wanted to say hi after looking at this thread for over a year and not joining but i finally joined. I loved Gary since i seen 'Of Mice And Men' in english lesson 2 years ago now and it's made me slightly obsessed. My teacher always wondered why i was suddenly intrested in the English lesson and when one of my class mates shouted out ''he is in CSI New York'' i had to watch Mac :p .

So yesterday, i downloaded 'Of Mice And Men' audio book read by Gary and my god, the man has a sexy voice nearly fell asleep listening to it. I can now say i was in bed with Gary Sinise . Last Weekend, i went to Mcdonald's and ordered a Chicago Supreme i looked nice and didn't evan realise until i was halfway through it who it reminded me of ! I have a Apple Macbook aswell so that remindes me of him and i know once iv been Mac, i will never go back:devil:

Thank you all for making me laugh with some of you're post's and filling my mind with naughty thought's and drool worthy pics:devil::drool:

Mac+Stella= Evan hotter
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