Mac #7--Once a Marine, Always a Marine

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yeah, it's in miscellaneous. i always like to see more british fans - maybe if TPTB realise we exist we'll get our season start dates marginally closer to the US dates :D
Lord have mercy :drool::drool::luvlove::luvlove:

I don't know why but everytime i see this pics i feel like :devil::devil:

This is my first post and here's my little colaboration to the cause...this might be called "Let's go dance the nite away Mac"??


I used to have a lot of pics in my old computer...i'll look for them an post 'em god. Its been a while away from my Mac addiction, thigs have happended in my life... somehow i feel like a teenager again.


Come here to bed babyyyyyyy!!!!!!:evil::evil:
Lord have mercy :drool::drool::luvlove::luvlove:

I don't know why but everytime i see this pics i feel like :devil::devil:

This is my first post and here's my little colaboration to the cause...this might be called "Let's go dance the nite away Mac"??


I used to have a lot of pics in my old computer...i'll look for them an post 'em god. Its been a while away from my Mac addiction, thigs have happended in my life... somehow i feel like a teenager again.


Come here to bed babyyyyyyy!!!!!!:evil::evil:

And the Lord said "You shall be blessed with extreme hotness but cursed to be followed around by rabid fangirls everywhere you go" :devil:
Hello fellow Taylor-Girls! :)

Originally Posted by LadyTaylor
This is my first post and here's my little colaboration to the cause...this might be called "Let's go dance the nite away Mac"??


I used to have a lot of pics in my old computer...i'll look for them an post 'em god. Its been a while away from my Mac addiction, thigs have happended in my life... somehow i feel like a teenager again.


Come here to bed babyyyyyyy!!!!!!:evil::evil:
Very hot pics!!! Thank you!

Welcome to Mac-Madness! :) Always great to have a fans on board. There's something common things that you should know and since Jools (CSISenna) isn't here right now I'' tell you some basics! ;)

1. Keep buckets near you cause drooling danger :drool: is common around here!
2. Watch out slippery floor...we don't remember wipe it always! :lol:
3. Relax and have fun, keep sense of humour with you and take care of our beloved man. :luvlove:

If you want to ask something, just ask or send PM (private message) to some of us. ;)

and here's something about the rules that Joos posted in Gary-thread!

Originally Posted by CSISenna:
Bring loads of buckets. We don't like to clean up after we're done here.:p
Mind slippery floors for the above reason. Yes I know, we are a messy group. :lol:
While uploading pics, give us a drool alert first, we do not want to faint and fall of our chairs. :cool:
Cleaning up keyboards after we're done drooling is a must. You're only excuse not to is when your nose is stuck to your screen. :lol:
Sam covered all the other rules.
Last but not least, bring loads of pictures. :drool::drool::drool:
These are common rules in both Mac and Gary threads! :thumbsup:

And one thing about posting pics. Remember post Mac-pics in here and Gary pics in here: So it's easier to us talk in right contexts about Mac and correspondingly about Gary! ;)

Okey. I stop now this formal stuff cause it's not the point in here! So now something much nicer...PICTURES!!!! :hugegrin:




I need my Mac-dose...hmm...where are my DVD boxes?!?! :lol:
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lovely pic, mmmmmm:drool::drool::drool:

ooh he's been reversed! :D i like that shot tho, it's cute :drool:

mac's girl said:
And the Lord said "You shall be blessed with extreme hotness but cursed to be followed around by rabid fangirls everywhere you go"





I need my Mac-dose...hmm...where are my DVD boxes?!?! :lol:

:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: is all i could think of too :lol: my s5 dvd should be arriving today or tomorrow - i am ridiculously excited, even though i already have the part one box:guffaw:
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I'm looking forward also my season 5 box!;) Damn that I have to wait almost four weeks!!!:scream::scream::scream:

Do you know is there any extras in it???:confused:
i don't know yet - i don't think it's looking hopeful - there will be some but it seems there'll be no commentaries or anything. i just don't know... i'm sitting here checking my email every 2 seconds to see if amazon have emailed to say it's been sent out yet... *sad*
Thanks for you welcome guys!

You needed buckets?? Here they are...


my laptop keyboard almost f***** up with all the drooling...Now, Jools, thats a familiar name to me, i have to say. I was remembering the good ol' GS Central.

i don't know yet - i don't think it's looking hopeful - there will be some but it seems there'll be no commentaries or anything. i just don't know... i'm sitting here checking my email every 2 seconds to see if amazon have emailed to say it's been sent out yet... *sad*

Dont be sad sweetie:)'s your morning fix


Thanks Udonna and Sam for the nice picture on the Set!
Here mor picture on the set.


Aww, I just love the way he stands here.

Sometimes I miss Mac's ties. They should make an appearance once in awhile. I wonder what his major shirt-color will be this upcoming season. I remember stellaluna (from LJ) counting everytime he wore his blue shirt in S3 (or was it S2?) He sure loved those blue shirts! Hee.
Thanks for making my morning ladies. :drool:

I read your 'rules' for the Mac thread. :lol: I'll try to remember to bring some pictures. ;)
If this does not belong here. But it must see Ladies Gary in the film A MidnightClear

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Gorgeous pics, thanks to all who posted them! I especially like the behind the scenes one with Gary and Carmine and that other guy, and the one of Gary, AJ, and Anthony is really nice too. The Mac pics are so hot!

LadyTaylor, welcome to the thread!

RanMa, I'm hoping Mac's shirt colour will be black this season, though he looks lovely in blue and in that dark red one he wears occasionally too. I love reading stellaluna's comments about episodes on LJ.

Feeling very depressed today as I am back to work after having a couple of weeks off, should be grateful for that I guess but back to real life and might not find time to visit my favourite thread as often as I want. Thank you for the pics and comments that you leave, it's nice to know that I am not the only one obsessed with this fictional man, although sometimes I almost think he could be real, did I say that out loud, how sad am I?;)

I am finding it impossible to stay out of the spoilers thread but I had to look, I couldn't help it! Oh my he is looking as hot as ever:drool: Sorry!
Have a good day ladies
Ugh, going back to work after a break is always horrible....unless you worked for Mac, perhaps!:devil::drool: Don't worry about obsessing over a fictional man - everyone here is doing it too! And Gary (and the writers) make Mac so real I sometimes think he's real too.

Looking forward to seeing new Mac pics once s6 starts in the US.
I too am English, and we have to wait till the New Year to get new Mac. I have checked the channel 5 website and they have got the rights for s6 of NY, but don't know when it will be shown yet.
Thank you, thank you to all of you, (I get scared about missing someone out!) but I adore you all! for posting such amazing pics of our lovely Detective Mac Taylor, whether on screen or off screen (Gary is so goofy) they are all lovely and indeed adorable, thank goodness I have my new red bucket here beside me!!!!;)

Mac in a tie is indeed very shexie, (I am not sure I have mentioned this fact before?), but I agree with you RanMa, I do hope that Season 6 will bring us a varied combination of wardrobe that will satisify each and every one of us!

Then there are those "Pissy Mac" moments, when I have this urge to be an extremely naughty girl (*cough woman*);) and for Mac to be very pissed off with me, then all I can do is apologise like mad and beg for his forgiveness! "How can I possibly make it up to you Mac?" I ask ;) Several hours later, we have "Smoking Mac" :devil::devil:

A big welcome to all new Marine Mac recruits from all over the world, just goes to prove that Mac/Gary is indeed a worldwide pnenomenon!

My only regret is that I can't post pics but I am really grateful for all that do, a great way of lifting my depression!

My dear MacsLady, let's be really honest here, if we did actually work for Mac, then I don't believe a lot of real (*cough*) work would actually be done
Have a great evening one and all
Sophia x
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