Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

Could ya torture me anymore with those hot pics?? no wait, don't answer that, because you know LMH, she's got another one ready to torture me. *points at her* You won't get me to crack, nope!
Well, that clip of the week will keep me going until Thursday evening. I envy all who can watch tonight :devil: :mad: :devil:
And so many new pics of Mac, who ever invented close up? :lol: :lol:
The second clip is funny! And, OMG, the first clip with Mac playing bass - seriously, can the man possibly get any HOTTER! He is so damn fine in that black t-shirt & with the guitar.
Awesome clips Natty, and yes Mac's lady, you have to love the way he holds that Bass.




Three more pics ladies, and can't wait for tonight, and some Macky sexiness.
okay, seriously, hawt :devil:
anyone have a cap of the new eppie (time's up)?
the ending scene.. he was just.. *drool*
*tackle hugs LMH* ya know i wub ya right? :lol:
oh gah..*drools* mac sure knows how to play :devil:
and that tight black tee... yum :p

restrain me taylor girls, i might tie him up now :p
Awwwwwwwww...Sad Musical Macky! Thanks for the caps LMH, I knew we could count on you! He was Most Definitely Droolworthy tonight, that's for sure!
Gorgeous pics, LMH. I especially like the ones from the most recent ep. *drool, swoon, drool* Mac is so talented with his hands, and god, yes, the way he holds that bass is so HAWT...ok, I'm starting to slide into Gutter Terriotory here. :devil:

I've watched that Youtube clip of Mac playing the bass about 10 or so times, and I really love the way he looks at Stella (I would die if he looked at me like that, or maybe just jump on him right then and there :devil: :devil: :devil:). I also love the way he seems to lose himself in the music, closing his eyes and moving his head in time to it, it's very sweet. It's nice that he has something to take his mind off work stress/3:33/Claire/Reed/Peyton etc. He looks a little sad there, maybe, but kind of peaceful and relaxed too. and, oh yeah, he looks HAWT!!!!!!
I know it may be too late. but I saw this clip from Silent night....something about it was very touching.

Especially when the woman said:

"I speak with my hands"

"You speak with your eyes"

I've watched that Youtube clip of Mac playing the bass about 10 or so times, and I really love the way he looks at Stella (I would die if he looked at me like that, or maybe just jump on him right then and there ). I also love the way he seems to lose himself in the music, closing his eyes and moving his head in time to it, it's very sweet. It's nice that he has something to take his mind off work stress/3:33/Claire/Reed/Peyton etc. He looks a little sad there, maybe, but kind of peaceful and relaxed too. and, oh yeah, he looks HAWT!!!!!!


And on a more recent note..........

It was a sad moment when Mac recieved letter from Peyton.

Poor Mac.



Okay Ladies, I couldn't find any "Time's up" caps yet, so here are three more from "You only die once.

I love the hand in the pocket, such hottness, drives me Madly insane :devil: :devil: Just too much, sexiness, hottness, heated passion, built into one man. *Yummy*