NUT , are you trying to distract me?
No way I´m doing this, I´m just saying nice things, so be a good girl and go on with your studies

i have to say NUT, i never thought you had such a dirty mind!:lol:
My mind is as clean as that of a newborn baby, be sure of that :lol:.
Mac never tried to play "Lolita" (he didn't even read the book

) with Baby Nit:lol: Definitely his paternal instincts acted in there. And Baby Nit had a strong Elektra'c complex towards Mac. Nothing too serious:lol:
Well, Ella is an adult and therefore can´t play the Lolita-role

, and therefore Mac wouldn´t fall for a Lolita-baby

. Even Stella noticed that Mac had serious feelings for Ella, you could see it on her wise-all-knowing look when she said it to him :lol:.
good to know but i still prefer a F from you and me keeping the st first:lol:
As it would break my heart to grade you with an F, just do me the favour and leave the "ST" off, so that I can give you an A+

oh i made sure it's the right Calculus, NUT!:lol: Stella mou is ALWAYS a plus
Usually yes, but you know how every mathematic formula has its exception to the rules

Ok NUT i will give you the chance

Miss A. is lovely, adorable and i will stop being a Stella fan to star loving her instead:lol:
No, no, no, you got me wrong here, I didn´t want you to go that far with your affection for Ms. Doc :lol:.
I understand, i don't know why everyone thinks they need to babysit me:lol: It's just a new character and i am having fun with this

I was just trying to make this like it was before back in our old times
If an objective opinion is needed i will be there (and i can be objective
Well, I don´t think I want to babysit you, you´re a big girl and out of your diapers since a long time :lol:. I was just commenting my thoughts on how these promos of Ms. Doc looked to me

And finally, to shock you: Your NUT has a crack, even if only a thin one

. I´ve finally found the time to watch "The Formula" and I am concerned about this scene where Stella asks Mac about his past career as soap box car racer

. It´s not her interest and that she asked him at all that bothers me, it´s just the look she had on her face. If I hadn´t already known from your comments on this scene what she was going to say, I would have thought she´s going to say something really, really serious or even sad. Because before she began to speak she had such a strangely serious, almost sad and worried expression on her face and her comments on his replies were also almost melancholic ( something like "...yes, when young Mac Taylor still had dreams and could wish for things", can´t remember the literal words) that I had to think: WHAT on Earth is going on here? :devil: It was as if her interest in his childhood games was symbolic, well, for what, I have to ask? And I don´t want the answer :devil:, but I was just thinking of TPTB writing this scene deliberately into the show, not because it was about racing cars, but because of considering the future episodes, such things as triangles and that

. Aaaaaaargh, I hate to say it, but Stella was a bit TOO interested in Mac´s childhood

, her only asking about soap box races didn´t justify her eagerness at all, if you know what I mean.
Now I´m off to glue my crack, adieu
