LV RP [sandle]

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you know i would love too ;) but i'm afraid i won't have enough time for that, but i love reading you guys ;)
and if anyone is up for a Sandle story, i won't say No :D

When I found this RP I thought it'd be Sandle-centric, but if Greg is hardly here, how could there be Sandle? :(
I just think it's too bad, it's Sandle RP and from what I read it's leaning towards YoBling! I just love Sandle so much...

I think I'm gonna be Wendy (the only woman left!), maybe I could make Sara jealous so she'll come around ;) Or Ecklie, just so I could torture people mwahahahahahahaha
Hmm I need to decide...
*gulp* It's a main character! I'm scared I'd mess up bcuz I'm new to this RP thing...

Besides, is it ok to take over someone's role? Should I ask csistokes first or something?
Well you have the right to mess up with Greg since it's your first RP, and i'm sure people here will help you ;)

As for the role question, you should send a PM to CSIStokes and see if you can take the role, then you will be able to play too :D

I already paged toomuchovertime already, who played Catherine. I think, if no one replies, we should just start over with people that do react. I mean, I totally understand if you don't have time to post all that much, but then don't take a main character. I took Sofia because I know I can't be around THAT much, and Sofia is not that big a main character. So...
I understand what you mean Dutchie : i think that if no one of the person you had PMed answer , than maybe this RPs should be closed and you guys will open another one where you will ask the people who join it to not choose a main character if they are not SURE to handle it ....but that's just an idea, i think you should talk to Hollie first and see what she thinks about that

Still waiting for CSIstokes reply... :)

I'm wondering, how long should you wait for answer before deciding that we should open a new RP and close this one? Or if we should replace the inactive ones with those who would actually post?

Let see what Hollie says about this :)
I think 48 hours is long enough, if you don't have a reply , then you can take the role...I'm also waiting for Hollie 's answer: i wanna know if i closed this thread and let you guys open another one

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