Love and its Consequences(sequel to Keep me Hanging on)


Prime Suspect
*One month later at Kaitelynn's house*
Kaitelynn: So? You excited about planning the wedding?
Calleigh: Yes, but I am a little stressed.
Kaitelynn: Yeah, I know how you feel it was hard planning my wedding Calleigh: Yes, but I have you now.
Kaitelynn: Oh wow I feel so loved. So what kind of wedding do you want?
Calleigh: Something classic and not too big
Kaitelynn: Well already your wedding is going to be easier than mine

Calleigh: How so?
Kaitelynn: Well it's not my fault that Eric is related to or knows half the people in Miami.
Calleigh: Perk of the job.
Kaitelynn: So mostly just family? Or what?
Calliegh: My family, Ryan's family and of course mine and his friends, which insn't that many
Kaitelynn: Well like I said you got me and you don't want a big wedding like mine so I can probably plan this thing in less than 6 months
Calliegh: Good, So what was your wedding like?
Kaitelynn's maid of honor, Breann, is trying to calm Kaitelynn down.
Breann: Kaitelynn. it's going to be fine. You love each other. Happy?
Kaitelynn: You're not helping.


Delko: Don't touch me.
Speed: Hey, my duty as best man is to make sure you look presentable and your tie is messed up. Now calm down.
Delko: You're not helping.
Breann: Listen to me your going to walk down that isle and marry the man you love most.
Kaitelynn: How do I know I really love him
Breann: You said yes, and you dated him for 2 years and when he almost broke up with you, you cried untill he got back with you, trust me this marriage well be the best thing you have ever done and it will last forever.
Kaitelynn: Thank you so much how could I ever live with out you?
Breann: You coulndn't.
Kaitelynn: Haven't we already figured that out?
Breann: Sorry, just had to remind you. So now you're going to go walk down that aisle with your dad and you're going to become Mrs. Eric Delko. You got that?
aitelynn: Mrs. Eric Delko? I like that.

Delko: How do I know she won't say no.
Speed: Why would she say no. She cried for weeks when you broke up with her right? And she said yes. Trust me she won't say no.
Delko: Thanks man
Speed: No problem, now let's go you don't want to hold up your own wedding.
Delko: how do I look?
Speed:" Like an idiot. Now walk.
*to himself* I'm never getting married.
*The music starts playing and Kaitelynn starts walking down the isle*
Delko: She looks beautiful * to himself*

Priest: Ladies and gentlemen we have gathered here today to join there two in holy matrimony.

Priest: Kaitelynn, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Kaitelynn: I do.
Priest: And Eric, do you take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife?
Delko: I do.
priest: Now do you have perosnal vows of your own?
Delko: Yes.

Delko: Kaitelynn, I'm so happy that we finally made it to this day. We have been through so much together. And I hope that we have much more time together. Thank you for sticking with me after all this time. I love you.

Kaitelynn: I am so happy that I met you. Ever since the first day I met you I knew we were meant to be. Even through the good times and bad you were there for me, I love you.

Preist: I now pronouce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.
*they lean in and kiss very passionatly then pull apart*
Priest: Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Eric Delko! *Speed claps loudly. Everyone looks at him.*
Speed: Oh sorry. Got caught up in the moment.

*At the reception*
Delko: Oh great, he;s going to give one of those embarrassing best man speeches, isn't he?
Kaitelynn: I hope not, Oh well

* Flash back over*
Calliegh: That sounds beautiful I am glad your my friend
Kaitelynn: Yeah, ditto. So now for your wedding.
Calleigh: Yes, of course.
Kaitelynn: You need a maid of honor and two bridesmaids since it's a small wedding.
*phone rings*
Calliegh: Calliegh
Ryan: hey babe
Calliegh: Hey prince, what's wrong
Ryan: Nothing, just wanted to talk to you.
Calleigh: Well isn't that sweet?
Ryan: Sure. Anyway I was wondering about when you want to get married?
Calliegh: I was thinking mid-May when the flowers are blooming it is so pretty
Ryan: Do you really think you can plan and wedding in 6 months?
Calliegh: What's that suppose to mean?
Ryan: Nothing. Fine, mid-May it is.
Calleigh: You sound upset. What's wrong? Horatio problems?
Ryan: No its nothing
Calliegh: How is this marriage suppose to work if you can't talk to me? Ryan: I can. It's just that there's nothing wrong. I'm tired, okay?
Calleigh: Okay. I'm sorry.
Ryan: Oh hey got to go, duty calls.
Calleigh: I love you.
Ryan: Love you too.

Kaitelynn: Ooh trouble in paradise?
Calleigh: No.
Kaitelynn: Want to talk about it?
Lwsgrl92: Calliegh: Well ever since H admitted his love for me, he has been kind of distant
Kaitelynn: Don't worry yourself over that now go home and think of a few wedding ideas, dicuss it with Ryan and call me!
Calliegh: Thanks Kaitelynn, bye
Kaitelynn: And Calliegh remember he loves you,
Calleigh: Bye. I'll call you.
Kaitelynn: Bye.
*at Calleigh's house.*
*Knock on door.*
Calleigh: Who is it?
Ryan: I don't see why I don't have a key yet.
*Calleigh opens the door*
Calleigh: Should've known.
Ryan: Why don't I have a key yet?
Calliegh: Please, you really want to know why?
Ryan: Oh, harsh, you're lucky I love you
Calliegh: I love you too, now you ready to plan a wedding?
Ryan: No....
Calleigh: Too bad. We're getting married on the beach.
Ryan: How original. I was hoping for a mountain Miami.
Calleigh: You give me no reason whatsoever to like you.
Ryan: Okay fine, no wedding in the hills but definatly no wedding on the beach
Calliegh: Okay? how about a park?
Ryan: Keep talking..
Calliegh: We can have it in the park around night time when its all lite up
Ryan: Sure whatever. I guess that'll work.
Calleigh: you know you're supposed to help me right?
Ryan: Actually that's what your maid of honor is supposed to do. I'm supposed to sit here and look pretty.
Calliegh: And who did you learn that from?
Ryan: Your favortie friend and mine, Delko
Calliegh: Oh really, well I guess I will just have to give Kaitelynn a call
Ryan: Fine I'll help. Just don't call that girl she scares me.
Calleigh: And you wonder why you have all of 3 friends.
Ryan: Actually I know.
Calleigh: Anyway.......planning the wedding.
Ryan: Who's your maid of honor?
Calliegh: Kaitelynn. Who did you decide is your best man?
Ryan: Horatio
* Calliegh gives him a death glare*
Ryan: Kidding, Chill, Delko
Calliegh: Good now time for your groomsmen.
Ryan: Uhhh....Cooper...maybe Tripp.
Calleigh: That'll work.
Ryan: And who are your bridesmaids?
Calliegh: Um, Maxine and Alexx
Ryan: And you said I, had no friends?
Calliegh: Shut it!
Ryan: This is easy what is next
Calliegh: Fitting
Ryan: For what?
Calliegh: Tuxes!
Ryan: I'll give you my size. Have fun.
Calleigh: Oh no, Wolfe, you, Eric, Cooper, and Frank are trying on tuxedos and yall are going to like it.
Ryan: I can always find me another girlfriend.
Calliegh: And who do you have in mind?
Ryan: Well,........ There is my old highschool sweet heart, she is still in to me, Kidding I love you but why do I have to go
Calliegh: You want to get married
Ryan: Yes
Calliegh: Then your going or would you rather go show shopping with me
Ryan: about neither?
Calleigh: How about you pick one?
Ryan: I'll go fitting...if Delko comes.
Calleigh: He can go. As long as you go get your tuxes. Nowhere until you're done.
Ryan: Darn. And all along I was planning on going to that old girlfriend's house.
Ryan: Sorry. Is that all I have to do then?
Calliegh: No, you have to ask Delko to help you with your vows
Ryan: When do I get to do something fun?
Calliegh: Tommrrow when we plan our honeymoon and your bachlor party
Ryan: Oooh..honeymoon.
Calleigh: Mind out of the gutter, sweetie. Alexx is coming over in a minute to help me. So be a good boy and don't bother us.
Ryan: Then what am I supposed to do during "girl hour"?

Calliegh: Go talk to Delko, have a guy's night or whatever just behave and be back by 10.
Ryan: Yes mother
aww there so cute!!
im an E/C shipper but they are really cute!!
haha i loved it when Ryan said OK Mother!!:lol:
Door bell rings
Calliegh: That's her
Ryan: Bye. Have fun.
Calleigh: Yeah, you too.

*Ryan walks out.*
Ryan: Oh hi Alexx. Bye Alexx.
Alexx: Bye?

Alexx: Where's he headed?
Calleigh: Oh I kicked him out. He's going to Eric's I think.
Alexx: You kicked your fiance' out of your house?
Calleigh: Well not literally. He's coming back.
Alexx: So time to plan a wedding?
Calleigh: I know, was it stressful planning yours?
Alexx: Yes but when is planning anything not stressful, anyway you got the theme and the people right?
Calleigh: Yes, and the place
Alexx: You need to set a time and get some invitations out.

*Ryan knocks on Delko's door*
Delko: Hey man, why you here?
Ryan: Calleigh kicked me out untill 10
Delko: Why till 10?
Ryan: I don't know. Alexx is over there for girl talk I guess. And since I'm not a girl.
Delko: Sometimes I wonder. Come on. Let's go somewhere. Kaitelynn's not home either.
Ryan: Well where are we going to go for 2 hours?
Delko: Hmm, stuff our mouths with food and stare at the tv.
Ryan: Dude, sometimes I wonder. Where is Kaitelynn?
Delko: At her cousins house. They just moved out here.
Ryan: Sounds like fun. What are we watching?
Delko: A movie?
Ryan: Whatever.

Alexx: Let's go get a cup of cofee we still have some planning to do
Calliegh: Sure

*Delko's cell rings*
Delko: Delko.
Horatio: Eric, meet me at the lab in 20. I have a job for you. And come alone.
*Horatio hangs up.*
Ryan: Who was that?
Delko: Horatio. Look, Ryan, I got to go. Stay here. I'll be right back.
Ryan: Sure.

Delko: Okay, I came what do you want?
Horatio: I have a job for you to do
Delko: What is it H?
Horatio: I want you to plant these cameras in Calliegh's apartment
Delko: Why?
Horatio: You love Kaitelynn right?
Delko: What did you do to her?
Horatio: Nothing yet. So either you do this or say good-bye

*Horatio walks out leaving Delko staring after him*! It's so hard for me to imagine H this cruel! He's such a meanie! But you're doing an excellent job!
*Delko takes out his cell*

Delko: Hey, Alexx?
Alexx: What is it, Eric?
Delko: It's Horatio. He says he'll hurt Kaitelynn if I don't plant cameras in Calleigh's apartment. Alexx, he won't hurt her. he can't.
Alexx: I know, sweetie. Listen, Calleigh and i are going to check out some stores tonight. So just do what the man says.
Delko: Please don't tell Calliegh, I don't want to lose her.
Alexx: I won't now get going.

Calliegh: What was that about?
Alexx: Nothing, Delko told me I don't have to go to work early tommorrow.
Calleigh: That's great. We can go shopping earlier.
Alexx: I was thinking we could get a head start tonight since Ryan's not home until 10.
Calleigh: Oh sure. I'll get my purse.

*Delko's phone rings.*
Delko: Alexx?
Alexx: Go. Now. And hurry.
Delko: Got it.
alliegh: Now let's first go get me some shoes!
Alexx: Okay but you will need two pairs one for the wedding one for the reception.
Calliegh: I am so glad your here

Delko: I can't belive I am doing this
* he went in Calliegh's apartment install the cameras in the vents and walked out, his cell rang*

Delko: Delko.
Horatio: Very good now leave and don't tell anyone about this or blonde here gets it.
Kaitelynn: Help me Eric!
*Delko gets back to his house.*
Ryan: What was that all about?
Delko: Nothing. Don't worry about it.
Ryan: Okay. Hey it's almost 10. I'm going to head home. See you tomorrow, Eric.
Delko: Yeah, bye Wolfe.

Delko: (after Ryan leaves the house) if only he knew.

Calleigh: Its almost ten I have to go see you tommrrow at work.
Alexx: ( to herself after Calliegh leaves) if only she knew
wtf is wrong wit horatio?
he has to go to a phsyciatric(sp?) hospital
i dunno what has happened inthat man's head !!
OMG!!!! i can't imagine H doing that!!! but i love it!!!! and Ryan is going back to Calleigh's!!!!! i wonder what the cameras will catch :devil:
chapter 5

*Next day at work.*
Ryan: Delko's been avoiding me all day and I didn't do anything to him.
Calleigh: Knowing you, you did something.
Ryan: I really didn't though, Cal.

*Horatio, Alexx, and Delko are sitting in Horatio's office.*
*Natalia and Cooper walk by.*
Cooper: Ooh let's listen.
Horatio: I had you install those cameras in Calleigh's apartment so I would know what was going on in my lab.
Delko: What they do on their time is none of your business, H.
Alexx: Can't you just accept the fact that they're together and happy?
Horatio: No, ALexx, I can't. She was mine long before he got here.
Alexx: Horatio, she was never yours. Calleigh's an adult. She'll pick who she loves. And she loves Ryan.
Horatio: Not for long.
Alexx: What's that supposed to mean?
Horatio: It means you are going to help me seduce her.
Delko: We won't.
Horatio: Oh , are you now well then I have a meeting with Kaitelynn now.
Alexx: Eric, Eric. Sit down. Horatio, look at me. Don't hurt her. It;s not our fault or her fault that you're so self-centered that you will do anything to get something that you can't have. If you don't let her go I'll find a way to mess up your life too.
Horatio: Oh I forgot. Say goodbye to Wolfe too, as he's next...
Alexx: Woah...wait. What are you going to do?
Horatio: You will find out eventually.
OMFG!!!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with H!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!
he needs a freaking psyciatrist!!!! I hope he doesn't do anything too bad....
Calliegh: Ryan you should clean the air vent it is making a weird noise
Ryan: Okay Cal. I will do it then head to work see you there.
Calliegh: Bye Ry, love you.
Ryan: Love you too.
*Ryan goes and starts to clean the air vents*
Ryan: What is this?
Ryan: It's ....It's a camera.

*back at the lab*
Natalia: Calleigh, Calleigh!
Calleigh: What, Natalia?
Natalia: Come with me.
Calleigh: Yes?
Natalia: Look, yesterday Cooper and I overheard Horatio saying that he placed hidden cameras in your apartment.
Calleigh: he did what?
Natalia: He is threating Alexx and Delko to do what he says to get you back. He threatens to hurt Kaitelynn and Ryan
Calliegh: Oh my gosh I better tell Ryan
*Calliegh's cell rings*
Calleigh: Duquense.
Ryan: Cal, okay I was cleaning out the vents like you told me to. Theres a camera in every one of them. What is going on?
Calleigh: Get to work now. We're going to Internal Affairs about Horatio and his little problem.
*At IAB*
Stetler: So explain to me from the beginning what is going on?
Calliegh: Horatio threatened to kill my fiance` and my best friend.
Stetler: You're telling me that Caine has threatened to kill two people?
Calleigh: Well not exactly to kill them. Natalia and Cooper heard.
Stetler: Then get to talking.
Natalia: Okay Dan and i were passing by Horatio's office and overheard him saying thathe planted cameras in Calleigh's apartment and that he had Delko's wife and that Wolfe would be next if they didn't help him win Calleigh over.
Stetler: This is all?
Ryan: No, I have the cameras. Right here. Horatio and Delko's prints all over.
Everyone: Delko??
Delko: He made me do it. Said he'd kill Kaitelynn if I didn't.
Stetler: loo, I'm going to bring Horatio in here. That okay?
Everyone: yeah.

Stetler: Horatio, I've heard accusations about you for the past hour. Care to explain before I fire you?
Horatio: She chose him over me, what do you think.
Stetler: Well now you don't have to see them together ever again.

Delko: Kaitelynn, are you okay?
Kaitelynn: Yeah I am fine what about Horatio?
Delko: He is going to jail.