Love - a GSR X-mas fic

What I wouldn't give to see them kiss or hug or ANYTHING on screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh God, it'd be so great!!!!
I'd probably have a small heart attack !!!
Cause even at the end of season 6, When Sara came out of the bathroom (right up to that moment I was praying it was her and saying stuff like "I swear if its anyone else I am never ever watching CSI again EVER", total lies but I was very worked up at the time!)
But when she finally walked in, I half screamed half burst in to tears!!!!!!! So I'm sure how I'd cope if (Or when...Fingers crossed) they actually do kiss!!!!!!!!!
Please please let them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ;) :)

Love the banner by the way!!!!!!!!!!!
Jorja and GSR, you just can't beat it!!!!!!!!!!!
:) :)

I thought that this was great fic! Really sweet! Hopefully you can follow it up at some point with a sequel...possibly when they tell the team....cus it didn't sound like they knew. And it's not something you can hide for very long. Te he he!

Laters, tigger_willows xoxo