Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude #5


Welcome to the Louise Lombard (Sofia Curtis) discussion and picture thread #5! :) Thread #4 may be found here.

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2. You may post up to three images per post, no larger than 140X140.
3. Please limit URLs to no more than 6 per post. When asked for a title for your clickable URL, please put something like "Cute Smile" instead of putting the web address again as it stretches out the screen
4. Please leave manipulated pictures to the art forum.
5. Note that 'hotlinking' is not allowed. This is when you post an image directly from a site that you do not own. Please upload it onto your own site or use the URL link.
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Well then, looking forward to it :). Louise has posted a few nice pics about herself and family on her twitter account. :) And it seems that her ongoing project is doing good :thumbsup: and will be hopefully aired soon. Take care

Louise's new show wasn't picked up by Fox :-( I was so looking forward to see her every week. How can somebody say no to her and Julian? Seems impossible to me.
But it's the chance of CBS to get Sofia back!
Louise on TV at Easter
Sunday, March 24 (Palm Sunday)Esther is the story of how a simple but beautiful young Jewish girl named Hadassah became Queen Esther and delivered her people from a brutal massacre; one brought on by a fierce and ancient enemy. Stars: Jurgen Prochnow, Thoma Kretschmann, F. Murray Abraham and Louise Lombard. 9 a.m.