Lindsay & Hawkes #1 - LAwkes Of Love

Re: Lindsay & Hawkes #1 - LAwkes Of Love

but you can tell in those scenes that they have a great friendship and lately they haven't been showing that. I would love to see them work together more often in the future.

I know, :(. The only story lines they give Lindsay are the ones to do with Danny. Which sucks because her banter with Flack, friendship with Hawkes & Stella, and her experiments on Mac are what makes Lindsay, well, Lindsay. And of course, her crazy one-liners from season 2! And the ocasional they throw in every know and then.

Anyway, their scenes in 'Sweet Sixteen' were adorable! I think it's so sweet how worried he looked.
Re: Lindsay & Hawkes #1 - LAwkes Of Love

I love how he took care of her and tried to calm her down. Very sweet scene.
Oh I remember that one... I remember thinking that it was a good thing that Lindsay had him there 'cause I don't think that any of the others would have known exactly what to do.

I agree with you. It was good that Hawkes was there in this moment. I think she was scared- no surprise when you've just been bitten by a snake. But he stayed calm and knew what to do, which was good for her. I really loved the moment.

karu_mila said:
but you can tell in those scenes that they have a great friendship and lately they haven't been showing that.

I miss that, too. :( They had wonderful friendship scenes in season 2 and 3. Especially in season 3, as far as I remember. I miss that. But I remember they had a few scenes together in Page Turner.
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Re: Lindsay & Hawkes #1 - LAwkes Of Love

They had wonderful friendship scenes in season 2 and 3. Especially in season 3, as far as I remember. I miss that. But I remember they had a few scenes together in Page Turner.

What other scenes did they have? *ransacks her memory* I remember one, I don't remember what the episode was called, where they were talking while they were walking back to a hotel to return a dog. It was in the middle of winter and I remember thinking that some should have taken a picture because it was so sweet. *sighs* Hey, maybe Lindsay will bring the baby to see Hawkes. I've been wanting to see what he was like with kids...