LIMS Round 3:The Ultimate Test of Creativity-LIMS Winner Up!

Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Thanks for bribing Ann,Vera!!! ;)

8pm EST translated to GMT is ??? Like 6 hours +? :confused:
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

8pm EST would be 1am GMT (Sunday morning). ;)
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Thanks Laura ;) I'm actually in the US but so many people here seem to live on EST that I'm trying to accomodate more of them :)

Now, goodnight :lol: :p
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

^^Thanks,Elsie,that makes it 2 am Sunday 4th for me.
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Cute Jorja pics...It's a shame I'm at work and can't start right away :lol:
And no textures? :eek: I'm lost already ;)
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Oh lovely challenge to start things off. :D

Hm, it's a good thing my program doesn't have brushes, textures, or animations huh? :lol: Can't wait to get started!
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Oh my, the theme is great and the restrictions are gonna be tough!
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Awesome. And how did I know you were going to put up Jorja as a challenge? :D *opens Photoshop*
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

csimonkey said:
sounding dumb here but what is classed as a brush?

I'll try to explain...

s/th you can add on/in your icon, like tiny text brushes, flower brushes, boarder brushes etc.
Perhaps it's the best to check out this site for examples - Brush Addicts' Journal :)
Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity

I can't wait to get started :) I'm not a huge Jorja fan, but the pictures are great!
I only recently started using brushes, and I've yet to figure out how to do animations, but still, I think this will be difficult.