1 dark colouring is a bit overwhelming
4 white surrounding the crops too large and obscures too much of the black and white crop (did that make sense?)
2 I like the placement of the crops, the clarity of it.
Congrats, guys. You've come a long way. I also want to congratulate all of you who participated and made for such a fantastic competition. Thank you to all who voted and special thanks to DragonflyDreamer who helped us all the way and also gave me the encouragement when I needed it (i.e. had no time to update). I hope you all had fun and come back in the LIMS #7!
Macayla - your colouring is always GORGEROUS, you composition is great I'm glad you won cause you truely were the best icon maker! Well done and congrats!!!
fo_poozle - you know I'm a fan of your work! You're colouring is amazing and your cropping is always so original!! congrats!!
fieldmouse - well done your work is always amazing and creative!!
Congrats on making it this far daquien!!
and ofcourse I'll be back for the next LIMS!! <3333