LIMS #5: Final Results Now Up!

Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Voting!

Least Quality
19 - It is grainy around Aiden's face and the texture doesn't really fit the icon.
17 - It is too "washed out". You can hardly see details of Aiden and her surroundings.
03 - Not enough colour balance. There isn't enough contrast between the two Aidens, it seems as if both were fading.

Best Quality
20 - Great! Nice colours and a very cool effect. It looks kind of mysterious. Well done.
01 - The effect around Aiden draws the attention to her and isn't distracting. Good colouring.
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Voting!

01 - i love the circle, but i think the image looks a little dull and dark. Also, I found the text to large and distracting.
17 - the image is very faint and bright, i can hardly see her there.
19 - the texture appears too 'placed' it doesn't seem to fit.


12 - love the sparkles! She looks magical and very pretty.
7 - Nice font and good crop
13 nice crop and lovely color
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Voting!

17 - The colouring makes it look washed out, also the cropping and flipping of the picture looks odd.
19 - The texture looks placed, it doesn't fit in nicely.
07 - I like the crop, but Aiden is too yellow.
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Voting!

I'd like to have at least as many votes as I have icons, and we're not quite there yet.

If you entered an icon there is absolutely no reason for not voting.

Please keep them coming!
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Voting!

3. Her face is too washed out.
19. The texture doesn't look right with the image.
13. The coloring seems off.

1. I like the effect of the circle around the image. The font is simple but nice.
6. I like the text. It makes me laugh. The crop is simple and nice.
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Voting!

Gosh, that's so hard! Some really great icons, guys! :)
OK, I'll try...


#17 - it's just too bright, no real contrast to the white background
#19 - the texture doesn't fit plus it takes too much away from Aiden's face
#03 - great idea, but the "original Aiden" is too dark, too much contrast, and the blending of the cloned one didn't work that well


#01 - just perfect in my eyes: focus on Aiden, she's also very clear, great effect around her, text is perfectly placed - two thumbs up :)
#02 - everything fits: cropping, the soft colors, the light and the text - again two thumbs up :)
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Voting!

17 - It's a bit washed out
08 - The text seems to jump out at you. It's too big in comparison to Aiden
09 - too dark and seems a big oversharpened

20 - love the cropping and the texture. this icon just stands out
01 - love the effect and the text fits perfect
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Voting!

17-it looks a little washed out, and the rotation of the pic leaves kind of an odd crop.
19-the texture in the corner is a bit odd and out of place and doesn't really have a cohessiveness with the rest of the icon.
3- the high contrast makes it look a little washed out. and the cloning, although i love the idea, doesn't seem to fit with the cropping, and it makes the icon look a little crowded.
13- the coloring is absolutely beautiful and completely makes aiden pop out, and i love how it seems to be soften but not blurry.
20. i love the cloning in black and white and the textures used in the background and then the purple stripe used to make it stand out more it beautiful.
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Voting!

Voting will close Thursday, February 7th, 9pm GMT, if you haven't voted yet, please do so :)
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Voting!

Least Quality:

19 - The texture doesn't really fit and takes the focus away from Aiden
17 - The icon is too bright
3 - The image is grainy in a few spots and the overlay isn't really seamless

Best Quality:

13 - Nice cropping and a beautiful coloring :)
1 - Beautiful icon, textures, text and cropping... Everything fits greatly :)
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Results!

LIMS #5: Round 2: Results

Once again, we must say goodbye to two of our iconists:
by Happilyhappy
by wolfesgamergirl

Sorry to see you go :( Thanks for participating :)

Voter's Choice award:


Mod's Choice award:

A nice, simple icon, with beautiful colouring. It doesn't need any embellishments to make it work.

How did your icon do?
01: 14-2= +12
02: +4
03: -10
04: 0
05: -2
06: +3
07: 1-2= -1
08: 1-5= -4
09: -3
10: 0
11: 0
12: +2
13: 4-1= +3
14: +1
15: -3
16: -1
17: -19
18: 0
19: -15
20: +10
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Results!

Well I'm fine with that, I have stuff to do anyways.

Can't really say I'm sad to go, either. Since I really didn't like the icon I sent in anyway.

So have fun with this and I'll be back to vote.
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Results!

sorry to see you go Happilyhappy and wolfesgamergirl! i hope you come back for the next round of lims
and congrats Adzix! your icon is absolutely gorgeous!
and thank you to everyone who voted for mine i truly appreciate it!!
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Results!

wow, i didn't think i'd a get the mod's choice award :) thank you very much DD, appreciate it. love the banner.

congrats fo_poozle and everybody else who made it to the next challenge. also, sorry to see the two of you go, hope you'll come back next round.
Re: LIMS #5: Round 2 Results!

So very sorry to see you two go, Happilyhappy and wolfesgamergirl. :) You both did a fantastic job getting this far.

Ashley and Adzix, well done on getting Mod/Voters choice! :D Y'alls icons were above superb.

Can't wait to see what the next challenge will be!