Let's Talk Toys

Urban Legend

Do you guys still have any of your old toys laying around? Is there something from your childhood that you wish you still had, need it be toys or books? If you have a picture of the items that you still have, share it here :)

I'll share one of the toys that I've had for over 23 years :D

I wish I still had all of the My Little Ponies that I had as a kid, but when I got older, I took them over to my grandparents' house for my little cousins to play with. When they all grew up, my grandma gave most of the toys to the goodwill or something. Only one pony was left, Blossom, but it seems to have lost its tail. LOL.
I still have some of the stuffed animals I had growing up (I gave most away, but kept the most special ones). I also still have a couple of the old board games that we used to play as a family. I wish I had more of them - my parents had a couple from England I think, that were fun and I haven't seen since. I also have a Rubik's Cube and a Slinky.
My most prized possession from growing up is my Teddy Bear, Goldie. He's been with my for about 45 years now. He still sits on my bed and is usually not far from the bed at night time. He has masking tape under one arm to cover up a hole and there is not much fur left on him know. He's a well traveled bear as he's been on several road trips with me and he's also gone on several camping trips.

The other prized possession I have is the ear to my pajama dog. This darn ear kept falling off and my mom would keep sewing it back on. I don't know what happened to the rest of the dog but I still have the pink ear that would fall off. The ear is older than Goldie by a few years.
Toys that I can't seem to part with...

An authentic Steiff Teddy Bear named 'T-Bear' that I got from my mother's mother on my first birthday. He used to growl when you layed him down but his growler broke years (and years) ago. We had a cat when I was a teenager that used to climb on my pillows, I would put T-Bear there and he would knock him over so T-Bear would growl and the cat would take off. :lol: T-Bear has never lived farther than the headboard of my bed!

We also have a stuffed dog called 'Pink Doggy'. There isn't a spot of fur on him but he also doesn't have any holes, I consider that pretty good since he lived through 2 kids (my brother before me).

We also have the usual kinds of stuff. Still have the Radio Flyer wagon and rail sled. The wagon has a rusted hole in it and we were going to get rid of it but it's just too good at holding things off the garage floor. We still have the old fashioned wood blocks, not the colored ones but the big ones that you buy piece by piece. Those are currently in my nephew's possesion. And I also still have at least 95% of all the LEGO that has ever been in my possesion. :alienblush: (Just can't seem to part with it all! :alienblush:)

The one thing I'm really glad I kept is my stuffed Gizmo (the Mogwai) that squeaks. LOL. He's so cute. :)

Oh and all my Jem & The Hologram dolls. :)
I have some stuffed animals, one soft doll what I got when I was a year old.

We do have legos (dublos and the small ones) as well :p
And those few ponies that I had, few of them are My Little Pony's.
Oh, I have toys, all right. ;)

But, oh em gee, Teddy Bear Dr., I have no idea how long we've had him, but look:

:lol: Alf got cancelled before I was even born, no idea why I have a stuffed Alf.

Anyways, I always loved Barbie's and I still have most of mine piled away in a corner of my room, hidden pretty well. I don't play with them but haven't given them away... *sigh* I miss the days of playing with my Barbie's.
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Oh geez, I totally blanked on this when I first posted.

When I was about 6 or 7, I got this mini Beanie Baby from McDonalds. It was of this purple bear named Millennium. I thought he was the cutest thing and I really wanted the real bear. I read this guide to them one day and I found out that the Millenium beat was fairly rare, but I was still determined to find one. I met my stepmom's aunt a year later and she collected Beanie Babies and wouldn't you know it, she had Millennium. I saw it and was all over it. I told her how much I'd wanted this bear. I don't know why I had such a connection to it, but I did. For Christmas that year, that aunt got me a Millennium bear. I don't know where she found it and I know it wasn't hers 'cause she had it the next time I was there. I was so ecstatic and for the longest time, he was my favourite toy. I used to play this game with him along with this Groovy Girl toy I had named Jordan and they were detectives :p Also, I distinctly remember that my Millenium had a love for Heavenly Hash ice cream.


There's the Millenium Bear :)


Jordan is the doll in the middle.