Least Corrupted Countries 2006

Adzix said:
It's you, Adz.
oh shut up :p you don't know it but i'm a celeb there. i give AUTOGRAPHS, and people pay to take a picture with me.
Do you also hide large sums of money in your underwear?

(And no, not in an Early Catherine Willows kinda way...though feel free to share if you're that, too)
Do you also hide large sums of money in your underwear?
i hide my money in my socks. and yes, i'm a kind of girl who actually wears socks. i'm also a president of a campaign "Say NO to Pantyhose" in my country.

Edited to add:


End of ETA
Very interesting..HMMMM..Finland huh.. think I'll move there ;) U.S. 20 :eek: well. corruption on every level here.. isn't there?.. but such a beautiful land.. geographically speaking..and so many opportunties..and so much fun :D the best!!! and surprised at some of the others. that I would think would be higher.. and others I though would be lower..thank's for the statistics ;)