Law And Order:SVU....Favorite Character?

Don't really have a favorite, but I like Munch slightly more than the rest because he's always hilarious.

BTW, out of curiosity, what happened in the season finale? I didn't really watch season 6 much
I love Law and order:SVU. I love Eliot. Did you know that his partner was on ER?

I was never much of an ER fan...but I heard that she was on it, and I was able to catch one of the repeats that she was on... she looked totally different, I almost didn't recognize her!
i like olivia. It's funny saying that. because it's my name. So maybe I sort of tricked you into thinking I said I like myself best. did that confuse you? hopefully. :p

but yeah. she's awesome! I love munch and fin too, just because they say the funniest things.

(about olivia mentioning her purse)
elliot: ha. like you would carry a purse.
olivia: *fake pout* thats right. you'd carry it for me.

i loved that! it was so funny. reminds me of *cough*DnA*cough*

I think My Favorite Characters would have to be: Benson , Stabler,Fun, Munch, and Cragen and Wong
I pretty much Like everyone on the show. Although I like Casey, I wish Alex would come back. I was SO happy to see her come back last season.

The ones I like the most are Olivia and Elliot. Although I wish the show didn't revolve areound the cases so much.
This is a no-brainer for me! :D Definitely Olivia Benson – I love that she’s so tough but at the same time shows a lot of compassion for others. Also, I really, really like Fin and Munch when they work together ‘cos some of the things they say have me in hysterics. :lol:
The Wongsta has to be one of my favs! He's always got something interesting to say.
Olivia is awesome, she's always so compassionate, but lousy stuff always seems to happen to her... i just feel like wrapping her up in a big hug!

Alex was my favorite DA... i almost cried when she got 'shot'... Casey is good, but Alex was better, she had a certain 'Don't mess with me punk' air about her.

Elliots' too highly strung... Go away and see you damn kids Elliot! Stop working 24/7!

And Munch is totally loveable, i love it how he manages to whinge about his ex-wife(s) in almost every episode, and he's banter with Fin is great, though i can't stand Fin on his own, he's a little too try-hard-esque.
Elliot is my favorite. He has that rage, that stand out character that keeps us viwers guessing what he'll do next. I like Olivia also, she is almost the exact opposite of Stabler but still had that character to her.
yeah! Elliot and Olivia are my favourites always.. i used to like Alex also...
My favorite would have to be: Alex, Casey or Olivia. I just can't choose..... :D

But I also have a guy fave too: John Munch. In the first season there was alot of "Alien" Beleifs and stuff going on, like abductions and stuff...... That is how I was drawn to the character. I am a litle weird too :D
I pretty much like them all. Sometimes I wish we could get some more background on some othe the secondary characters. I just started watching this show this year and I trying to catch up. ;)