Re: Lasting Love-CaRWash (sequel to thanks babe youre fantas
*Calleigh was sitting by Ryan's bedside as the other sat out in the waiting room to hear the latest news*
*She was looking down at his sad, seemingly lifeless face then closed her eyes and bowed her head as a tear streamed down her cheek. then she looked up as she felt something squeeze her hand gently. she looked up as she saw Ryan gently squeezing her hand to get her attention*

h my god, Ry? babe?
*he looked up at her. he couldn't talk because he was still on a ventilator*
Calleigh:babe hold on i'll be right back....*she went into the waiting room*
Calleigh:he's awake.
Alexx:he's awake?
*the doctor came over*
Doctor: did you just say he's awake?
Doctor:wow this is amazing....he was in an irreversible coma! and to just suddenly wake up is astounding!
*the doctor went in and removed the tube and gave Ryan a thurough exam*
Doctor:well i must say in all my years i have never seen anything like this.......well i'll give you two a moment
*the doctor left*
Calleigh:hey Ry.
Calleigh:uh-huh. i'm here babe. *she began to cry tears of happiness*
Ryan:Cal, w-what happened? i don't remember anything.
Calleigh:that's ok babe. just rest. *she cried and walked into the waiting room* he doesn't remember anything......

h baby.... it's a side effect of the lack of oxygen to his brain but don't worry that'll change over time. he'll begin to remember things soon.
Calleigh:i hope so. i really hope so.
*a week later Ryan was released from the hospital and was allowed to go home*
*Calleigh brought him home where Eric and Natalia were waiting with the kids*
*they walked in the door*

Ryan:hey pumpkin! *he hugged her*
Liz:hi daddy!
Ryan:hey guys...i missed you all so much *he hugged them both*
Calleigh:we're all glad it wasn't more serious.
Ryan:me too....