Last Song Syndrome

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"Thirteen" by Bug Star (It reminds me of Eric and Donna <3)

Ok i have been looking for this song and i cant find the name of it so i was wondering if anyone knew. The lyrics go:
"Her heart has turned to stone, she thinks she's all alone, but she don't know that i'm right here" or something like that. If someone knew can they say :) thanks in advance.
Ain't It The Truth by The Gossip. I love this band. It's like a soul-rock combination, and it euh.. rocks!
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus- Getting By. Yeah, I'm pretty much obsessed with the song! The following part is stuck in my head:
"Now sit there and judge me for the things that I say
But you don't understand pain and I pity you anyway
But for those of you who hear me
We are strong
So come and follow me somewhere else"

Haha, I just love that song right now! :D :D :D
I have Summer Love/Set The Mood Prelude by Justin Timberlake stuck in my head. Wow, would I ever love to have a summer love with the sexiest man out there :devil:.
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