Larry Fishburne Joins the Cast *No Spoilers*


Still Sanity Challenged!
Premium Member
This thread is to discuss the fact that LF has joined the cast and bio of his character (when it comes out) as well as the opinions/interreptations of what people think of the actor, and character, and how he will fit into the show with the rest of the cast, and characters. This is not a thread in which to discuss spoilers regarding the character on the show. So basically this is just like any of the other character/actor threads. The same rules in those threads also apply here. ;)
I see on Spike yesterday they showed one of his movies, or rather a movie he's in, "Boys N The Hood." I know he was in the "Matrix," but I never seen it, so whenever his name "Boys N The Hood," and "The Color Purple" pop in my head. Obviously his character on the show won't be like neither of the other two.
Here's a pic. of him from last nights EMMYS with Billy, passing him the keys to CSI. LF paid him a high compliment, that "he'd be a tough act to follow with his high standards" or something to that effect!
