Lab Techs Anonymous


~Queen of Sarcasm~
After a bit of negotiation from our lovely Miami Mods, I've been given permission to start this thread.

CSI: Miami has a lot of lab techs. A lot of them, we only see a few times before they dissapear into oblivion, and are never heard of/from again. But it's enough to leave an impress. Not enough, however, to give each of them their own thread.
So this is the place to talk about all your favorite lab techs. Or least favorites. Ask questions such as, "who was that running trace in last night's episode?" or "what was the name of that one tech in the episode *****?".

Keep in mind people, while it's okay to say, 'I don't particularly like so-and-so', followed by reasons why, there is to be no character bashing. And most certainly, no actor bashing!!

Part of the compromise I've made with the mods is that Dan Cooper and Maxine Valera will continue to have their own threads. For discusion about them, please follow the links provided.

So, to get some discussion started, here are a few questions:
Which lab tech(s) do you miss most?
Which current lab tech is your favorite?

I miss Tyler Jenson. He was always my favorite. Too bad he dropped off the face of the earth :( I also miss Sam Belmontes. He had the best accent :devil:
My favorite current (aside from Valera, of course) is Cynthia Wells, from QD, which I have recently discovered stands for Questionable Documents. It took me far too long to figure that out :lol:
aww i miss tyler too he was my favorite too. he was a staple in the 1st two seasona dn then he just dissappeared.
It's absolutely annoying how the lab techs in Miami are constanly shoved aside and always have about 3 seconds per episode on screen. Ok, I understand that the CSIs have to get the most of the attention, but it would be nice if we could see at least a little bit of character development of some of the lab rats. But that's kinda hard to do if they keep disappearing! I'm suprised Valera managed to last this long. I really am! Several times they changed them even before I got to catch their names. It really a shame, if you ask me. I mean, some of my favorite characters in CSI are, guess who - LAB TECHS!!! But after all the Horatio drama that's been going on in season 4 they didn't really have the time to develop the main characters, let alone supporting ones...
awwwwww Tyler was my favourite too!!!!He was so cool and everyone seem to get on with him-I love it when Calleigh called him 'stringbean'

Do we know why he left?did he want to leave or did the show sack him?

Whatever happened to Laura? she was a DNA analysed in season 1-flirted ALOT with Delko

my fav now is probably Valera-shes so cool...not sure about the blonde tho(but that discussion is in Valera thread)
Yeah, Tyler was my favourite too, it really sucked how he just kinda disappeared. I'd like to point out that we have an existing Tyler thread here, so you can post about Tyler in there too :)

I also really liked Belmontes, but yet again, another Lab Tech that I liked, so he just kinda disappeared without a trace...I think TPTB really dropped the ball with the lab techs, because I don't think they realise how attached the audience can get to them, and we actually notice when they disappear for no reason and get replaced...well, I'm still hoping that Tyler and Belmontes will be back one day *crosses fingers*
carlz31 said:
another Lab Tech that I liked, so he just kinda disappeared without a trace...
Horatio: Mr. Malone, this is Horatio Caine with the Miami Dade Crime Lab. I'd like to report some lab technicians that have disappeared...
:lol: Dynamo, if only. I really would like to know what happened to them.
Thanks for posting that link, Carly. I knew it was there, but it's so rarely used, and he's not currently on the show.
It's like TPTB think we don't care about the lab techs, and won't notice if they dissapear. Wrong!
I have a lab tech related question...

Brian Poth was credited as being in the episode Body Count, but did we actually get to see Tyler in that episode? I saw it recently, and don't remember seeing him...
Yep, Tyler was in the episode 'Body Count'. He was analysing the traffic camera footage where we saw that Stuart Otis had escaped with Kerner. :)
No problem. :)

I also found a screencap from it as well. :)


:lol: The reason I asked was because I was looking for screencaps and couldn't find one from that ep. Too bad I found it before I saw your post...
:lol: well just thought I'd back it up instead of insisting which character it was and being wrong. :p I didn't want to accidentally lie to you.

Anywhoodles, I'm glad you found the screencaps. :)
I like Aaron Peters. He's got a suave speech and look to him. He really seems like he can add a lot to that show if they put him on more frequently!
:lol: I've always found Aaron kind of annoying. I don't know why. I've just never liked him all that much. Though, I must admit, I don't really care about him either way, right now, as opposed to not liking him at all, when he first appeared :p I suppose that means he's growing on me...