Keep Me Hanging On (CSI:Miami -set after The Aftermath)


Prime Suspect
* In the office 7 months later*
Ryan: Delko, I am thinking about asking Calliegh to marry me do you have any ideas how to
Delko: Don't look at me whatever you come up with will be better than what I come up with
Ryan: Yeah true, But how did you propose to Kaitelyn?
Eric: It was the moment, Ryan. It was just right. I didn't really plan it.
Ryan: Oh. Well I guess I could ask Alexx how her husband proposed to her.
*In the autopsy place*
Ryan: Alexx how did your husband propose to you?
Alexx: Why are you in here Horatio won't be happy if he finds out your in here and planning on proposing to a girl who he doesn't even know you're dating.
Ryan: I will be out as soon as you answer my question
Alexx: He got me a puppy and attached the ring on her collar
Ryan: Calleigh's allergic to dogs. Great.
Alexx: Oh sweetie, you'll think of a way. Now go before Horatio gets on your case.
Ryan: You know what, I'm just going to ask her. Right now. In front of everyone. I don't care.
Alexx: No Ryan don't Calliegh wouldn't like that you lost your job because of that, now just think of something she likes to do and go from there
Ryan: Why does this stuff have to be so complicated?

oh btw kaitelynn is a character made up by me. she will be in the story later but not as a major character.
Thanks for reading in advance!
awwww!!! i can't wait till the next chapter!!!! i was thinking of posting my CaRWash story. waht do you guys think?
*Ryan walks out of the room*
*Calleigh and Valera are sitting in the breakroom talking*
Calleigh: I wonder if he's going to propose.
Valera: Of course he will. He loves you.
Calleigh: Horatio will kill him.
Valera: What is up with Horatio? He hated it when Delko got married. Maybe he wants everyone to be miserable.
Calliegh: No he doesn't want anyone married because of family problems and stuff happening and we can't come to work. He hates us more because we both work here.
Valera: Well all I can say is forget him and take the ring
Calliegh: Slow down I don't know for sure if he is going to propose
Valera: Oh whatever, Cal. I mean look at him. He practically lights up when you walk in to the room. I mean he doesnt even have anger issues anymore.
Calleigh: Thanks, Valera. You're great.

*cut to Ryan talking to Delko again
Ryan: Horatio will kill me won't he?
Eric: Ryan, get the ring, find Calleigh, get down on one knee, and say those 4 simple words.

*in the locker room.*
Ryan: Calleigh you , me at Cafe` Amor tonight at 7 wear something nice.
Calleigh: Of course. Have anything special planned?
Ryan: Just eating.
i actually counted the 4 words! yea im slow!!
"Just eating?" yea ok in Calleigh's dreams
and its so cool how the restaurants name is Cafe Amor
Horatio: What is going on between those two?
Eric: Who?
Horatio: Wolfe and Calleigh.
Eric: I don't know. Why?
Horatio: Well use to Calliegh would never let Wolfe that close to her. You know something I don't don't you?
Eric: No H.
Horatio: I mean she used to hate him. Look at them now. I mean she hugged him like twice yesterday.
Eric: H, she hugs me everyday too.
Horatio: Not like that.
Eric: I don't know what your talking about
Horatio: You want to keep your job don't you?
Eric: Yes H
Horatio: Then tell me now,
Eric: Look, Horatio, if I knew that something was happening between them I'd tell you. But I don't even talk to Wolfe unless I have to.
Horatio: Eric, you're going to tell me right now.
Eric: What is up with you, H? I dont know anything.
Your lying, I know this because your tense in every place that sweats when a person lies
Eric: Go ask Alexx

Calliegh: Um, Prince, remember we are still at work so you might want to back off
Ryan: Fine I will see you tonight then sunshine
Horatio: Alexx, what's going on with Wolfe and Calleigh?
Alexx: I don't know. Why?
Horatio: Eric told me to ask you so either you tell me or I'm firing both of you.
Alexx: Horatio, what is wrong with you? Calleigh can barely stand in the same room with Ryan without yelling at him.
Yeah I know and lately he has been wisphering things to her and she has been laughing at what he says, so tell me or you and Delko are both gone
Alexx: What do you have so agianst people in love?
Horatio: So they're in love? I knew it. They're both gone too along with you and Eric if i dont get more details.
Alexx: Horatio, I don't even know that much. So suck up your jealousy. I have work to do.
uhoh...I would like some H/C action myself but I still wanna whack him one lol More soon, and glad you're continuing with this :)
*That night before the team all goes home*
Alexx: Calliegh, Ryan, you better watch out H knows you guys love each other
Wolfe: We'll work this out tommrrow Calliegh and I have a date to go on tonight. See you guys tomorrow.
* Calleigh and Ryan walk into the hall together, heading out when Horatio stops them.*
Horatio: Calleigh, Wolfe my office now.
Calleigh: I have plans tonight, Horatio. Could we make this quick?
Horatio: Actually, you're both going ot have a lot of time for plans now.
Ryan: What's that supposed to mean?
Horatio: It're both fired.
Calliegh: What!?! How could you do that to us?!?
Ryan: Calleigh come on let's go I have something planned to cheer you up
*At Cafe` Amor*
Calliegh: What did I do wrong? I thought I did all my work perfectly? Why did he do that?
Ryan: Hun, calm down, you have been talking about that all night
Calliegh: I know sorry so what do you have that is going to cheer me up
Ryan: Remember this restraunt
Calliegh: Yeah it's where we had our first date
Ryan: Exactly
Calleigh: Enlighten me.
Ryan: Calleigh, I have loved you since the first day I met you. You are the most beautiful, kind, caring, and intelligent woman I know. I always feel like I can be myself when I'm around you. Calleigh Duquense, will you do me the honor of marrying me?
Calliegh: Um......... um..........
Ryan: An answer would be nice Cal.
Calliegh: Prince, you know I love you, but.....
Ryan: But what?
Calleigh: I.....I can't marry you right now. All of this with Horatio as it is. We're both out of work right now. It's going to be hard to base a marriage off of rebellion.
Ryan: Hold up. You think I'm just doing this to show Caine I can? Well, Calleigh, I'm not. I mean this.
Calleigh: Ryan, Ryan I'm sorry.
Calleigh: I have to go see you tommorrow.
Ryan: Okay..... bye
why does Ryan always get his heart broken in fics?:(
aww Horatio is way too jealouse! i agree with Alexx he has to suck up his jealousy!:p
*Later that night*

Calleigh: (thinking to herself)
I can't believe he finally proposed and I couldn't even say yes. Why does Horatio have to keep doing this to us? It shouldn't bother him unless it interferes with our work. And it hasn't.

Ryan: (thinking to himself)
It took me a week to work up the nerve and then she just goes and shoots me down. Like I even care what Horatio thinks right now. Although I do need that job back.

*Next day.*
*Ryan walks into the Crime Lab to talk Horatio into giving him his job back. As does Calleigh.
Ryan sees Calleigh)Oh great.

*Horatio walks up*
Horatio: Mr. Wolfe? You wanted to see me?
Ryan: Yeah. Can we talk in private?
Horatio: Sure.
Ryan: Horatio, I was wondering if you'd consoder giving me my job back. It's over between me and Calleigh. She broke it off with me last night. And I really do need a job. I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way.
Horatio: Okay, Wolfe. You can have your job back but only because we pretty much need another good CSI here.
Ryan: Thanks, Horatio. You're a lifesaver.
*Ryan walks out to get his badge and gun and stuff.*
Horatio: No, Mr.Wolfe, turns're an even bigger one.
Calliegh:Horatio, I was wondering if you'd consider giving me my job back. It's over between Ryan and I. I broke it off with him last night. And I really do need a job. I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way.
Horatio: Okay, Calliegh I have been meaning to talk to you. Now that you and Wolfe are over.
Calliegh: What do you want to talk to me about?
Horatio: I've been meaning to talk to you..about this *leans in close as if to kiss her*
Calleigh: Uh..excuse me, but what are you doing?
Horatio: Calleigh, I love you. Always have.
Kaitelynn walks by the office and sees them kissing, then gets on her cell and calls delko.
Delko: Delko.
Kaitelynn: Hunny you will never guess what I saw
Delko: What?
Kaitelynn: Calliegh was kissing H!
Delko: WHAT!?!
Kaitelynn: Yeah, I saw them. In the interrogation room. I was looking for you.
Delko: Oh no. I think Ryan proposed last night. I'm going find him.
Kaitelynn: And what are you going to tell him? Oh just that the girl you're in love with was just kissing the guy who fired both of you?
Delko: No, I was thinking of winging it.
Kaitelynn: Okay well good luck with that see you later hun
Delko: K, bye sweetie.
what the hell!?!? how could H do that!!!!! he fired them because he loves Calleigh? that is so selfish!!! and now Ryan's gonna be hurt becasue H kissed Calleigh!!! I thought this was a CaRWash fic?!?!? where's the CaRWash!?!? *cries* why does Ryan always get hurt in fics?!?!?