Just Something I Noticed


Lab Technician
Okay, I was watching What You See on my DVD and I found an answer to something that I had been wondering about:

How did Rose know it was "safe" to ask Mac out? Even if she had known from overheard conversation that he was a widower, the fact he was still wearing the wedding ring shows that he wasn't ready to date yet.

So I took another look at the begining of the episode and took advantage of the DVD's pause and zoom features. Mac wasn't wearing the ring, he had already removed it. I don't know why I never noticed that before, maybe because nobody drew any attention to it? Anyway, I just found that interesting.
was there not something about that in a previous ep.
IIRC, didn't Stella make some comment to him about how he was still wearing the ring because he still felt married?
(or am I imagining scenes that never happened?)
IIRC, when Stella asked him point black why he's still wearing the ring in The Closer, he replied "I don't know...I don't want to."

Now I'm not sure from which episode it was cut but apparently, they wrote in a scene where Mac was shown taking off his wedding ring and putting it in a box and then placing it in his office drawer.

Hmm, as for him being bare-fingered during that coffee shop scene in WYSISWYS, I thought it was more of because he was running (or in gym mode) I figured he's the type to take it off but yeah, that *is* interesting. I'll go have another look-see in my DVDs :)
I didn't notice either - prob bcuz I was as distracted as Rose looking at Mac in civvies ~sigh~. But he's definitely wearing his ring in the rest of the show, I DID notice it when he was deciding whether or not to join Rose for drinks. He's wearing it as he fidgets with the paper with the address on it. Then, of course he's not when he gets out of the cab.
Also some of the errors will occur if they dont keep an eye on continuity as the scenes are always filmed out of order.