Just a kiss...

prokaryote said:
Where's the Archie lovin'? My sister is 16 and giggles like a fangirl if I mention Archie (come on he used to be a power ranger :) ). Personally I wouldn't mind Wendy, Sara (have you not seen her lip-pout thing), Bobby, and you know what Hodges could use a kiss (and he's actually pretty cute when he's not sucking up to Griss).

Hey no one mentioned Sam Braun? :lol: I always wonder does he have lips?
Archie? A power ranger? SERIOUSLY? :lol:
I had no idea.
Thanks for the info I didn't know Archie had been a Power Ranger :eek:

prokaryote said:
Hey no one mentioned Sam Braun? :lol: I always wonder does he have lips?
:lol: I don't know. If you wanna see for yourself, be my guest.

I'm really not interested in Sam Braun's lips :lol:

I'm rather interested in HIS lips :p
GRISSOM the most juicy..sensual..tempting..delectable, beautiful shaped lips ever :p

freemind said: Anyway, here's my question...
Who would you give a sweet kiss? :)

Or, maybe, you can't sleep at night, dreaming that someone of csi's would kiss you? Who?

By the way, what do you think, who kisses better than the others?? :lol:
You know This seems to be a good question for discussion for all three shows, so I am moving this to General CSI Discussion forum.