JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumped.


Instead of a posting a link to that JUMP THE SHARK site and all of us stampeding over to it, I'm bringing JUMP THE SHARK here.
I wanna know in what way (ways) you think CSI: Miami has pulled the ol' JUMP THE SHARK trick.
Here's my list.
1....They killed Speedle.
2....They killed Hagen.
3....They killed Marisol.
4....They killed Raymond.
5....Ann Donahue lies to us about the season 5 season finale. To quote what Ann Donahue told TV Guide "Horatio almost dies!" HA!!! Horatio didn't even almost get a paper cut.
6....Cooper is caught using Speedle's credit card.
7....When Cooper shows up again, he seems to have turned into a revengeful bad guy.
8....Horatio was just about to committ police brutality at the end of last week's episode. I just watched it again last night. Horatio was coming towards the guy when they faded to black.
9....According to TV Guide for this week (April 28-May 4) Khandi Alexander is leaving the show.
10...I no longer have anyone (or anything) to hate. I no longer hate Stetler and thanks to CSI: NY's tweaked season 4 version of its theme song I no longer hate the YEAH in CSI: Miami's theme song.
11....DIS-Continuity. We've got a whole thread of continuity goofs we've caught...if it didn't get lost in the transfer from the old board to this board.
12....The writers (or maybe David Caruso) sneaking in here and reading the season 5 wish list thread and the season 6 wish list thread. One thing that most of us, myself included, wanted in both wish lists was to see Horatio in the lab doing lab work. What have we got the last 2 or 3 episodes??? Horatio in the lab doing lab work. Just think about it.
13....Season 4 episode 48 Hours To Life. Cause Frank Tripp was so dang sure that black kid killed that lady on the boat, the black kid went to jail for a murder he didn't committ. Frank's popularity with me went downhill after that episode. Frank's popularity has slowly gone back up but it still likes a ways being where it was before that episode.
14....The addition of the character Jake. OK, I was wrong ^^up there^^ in #10 when I said "I no longer have anyone (or anything) to hate." I do have a character to hate: JAKE.

Come on CSI: Miami stop jumping the shark, for crying out loud!!! I don't think Shark finds it amusing being jumped so much.
*Carolyn318 laughs hysterically at own joke*
For those who didn't get the joke, there's a show on CBS called Shark which is returning with new episodes starting tomorrow at night 9 pm Eastern 8 pm Central. (Central=MY TIME...MY TIME=Alabama Time)
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Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

Sorry for sounding totally clueless but what does Jump the Shark mean?
Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

It means resorting to desperate measures to "better" a show.
Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

When it comes to tv shows, jump the shark can mean any or all of the following:
Shoot yourself in the foot.
Start the self-destruct countdown.--(Like in Star Trek)
The beginning of the end.
Go off the deep end.
Go a little too far.
Get a little too out there.
Cross a line in the sand.

Basically, JUMP THE SHARK is a way a show can hurt or even destroy itself.
Back in season 4 I think most, if not everyone, here would've said adding the character Natalia Boa Vista was jumping the shark.

:vulcan:-Star Trek: Voyager's Tuvok says: Shark jumping is illogical. Why would anyone want to jump a shark?
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Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

Sorry for sounding totally clueless but what does Jump the Shark mean?

Like everyone said, it's when you realize a show has already reached it peak, and it's pretty much all downhill from here. The actual phrase is supposed to come from the Happy Days episode when Fonzie "jumped the shark".
Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

Well, overall, 'Jumping the Shark' is when a show has hit its peak and will never be as good again.

So it's a combination between what dogbert stated and what Carolyn described because the show takes mesures to ensure continued success by implementing increasingly ridiculous elements into a show, thus causing the show to catapult into nonsense.

ETA: lol, I was typing the same time as you, Fieldmouse. At least ILJT has a lot to go on now. :lol:

Carolyn318 said:
Cooper is caught using Speedle's credit card.

I actually thought this was a great thing to have happen, despite how frustratingly wrong the whole thing was. :lol:

But anyway, do I think Miami has jumped the shark? Yes, despite season 6, in my opinion which has been a very good season so far. But essentially it's still not as good as when it was at its peak--season 2, for me. Does that mean the show is horrible? Not necessarily. I think it still has some redeeming qualities but TPTB have a pretty warped sense of what their show is as of late.

Have TPTB implemented ridiculous storylines to ensure a continued success? Hell yes. :lol: Let's just say....well, I'll say one word: Marisol. That is all.

I don't think the producers/writers etc. have realized they jumped the shark. I don't think it's ever the intention of those involved with a show to have it plummet into absurdity but again, I think the veil is over their eyes on this one. :shrug:

The show could definitely get back to a state where it's quite enjoyable and less ridiculous, but I mean... if you don't know it's broke, you can't fix it. :p
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Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

Yea, I have to say Marisol was the "jump the shark" moment for me - and most every other fan. It could've been interesting, but it was done wayy too fast and all wrong. H had more intimate scenes w/that lawyer chick than he did w/Marisol, not to mention Yelina...

The show, to my surprise, actually stayed on course for the rest of Season 3 after Speed's death - although they NEVER should have killed him and now they realize that, but it's too late. The rest of Season 3 was pretty good IMHO - it was the beginning of Season 4 where things started to go awry... :rolleyes:

I think the biggest mistake was making Marisol the center of H's grief for the past two years when the audience never really knew her in the first place. H tells the guy in Brazil that Riaz killed his wife, but what about his BROTHER?? For those who've watched since the beginning, I think a lot of us were much more bothered by Ray's death than Marisol's. Storylines are dropped and people H supposedly cares about are forgotten for new stuff ::cough:: Ray, Jr. ::cough::.

Anyway, I don't think the show will ever be as good as it was in Seasons 1-3.
Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

Thank you for all the explainations! I definitely know what it means now :lol:

Im not sure if you would consider this "jumping the shark" or not but as we all have realized by now, they are making super H even more super. But I think they completely overdid it by making him shoot down all those guys (there were like 5 or around there) after his hearing in Rio. That was just insane. :lol:
Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

I think the biggest mistake was making Marisol the center of H's grief for the past two years when the audience never really knew her in the first place. H tells the guy in Brazil that Riaz killed his wife, but what about his BROTHER?? For those who've watched since the beginning, I think a lot of us were much more bothered by Ray's death than Marisol's. Storylines are dropped and people H supposedly cares about are forgotten for new stuff ::cough:: Ray, Jr. ::cough::.

The above is a very good summary of the final nail in Miami's coffin for me.

The whole Marisol storyarc was an insult to any intelligence the audience has. Her 'relationship' with H was contrived enough, but the portrayal of her cancer (termed 'glamour cancer' for obvious reasons) was beyond insulting.

In reference to what miamirocks said, H spent 3 seasons self-flagellating himself over Raymond every which way from Sunday and Raymond's murder doesn't even warrant a mention now? How can it be solely about Marisol, when so much of his life has been about Ray too? It seems like Miami's true canon means very little to TPTB, and their pursuit of new storylines while completely disregarding the established ones, is it's major downfall as far as I am concerned.
Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

The whole Marisol storyarc was an insult to any intelligence the audience has. Her 'relationship' with H was contrived enough, but the portrayal of her cancer (termed 'glamour cancer' for obvious reasons) was beyond insulting.

Now, I'm not a fan of the term 'jump the shark', as I think that essentially all shows have their ridiculous, eye rolling moments and sometimes we love them for it, but Miami seems to have me utterly baffled or completely confused more than most.

I'll be honest, I don't watch Miami every week, but it doesn't help that every single time that I do tune in something beyond all reasonable explanation, or something so ridiculous, or offensive/insulting (as many people seem to agree that the Marisol storyline was) appears on my tv screen. Marisol's cancer story always jarred with me, and I will never understand why someone would think that portraying it that way was a good idea. I watched the majority of Marisol's appearances on the show with sheer disbelief.

I agree when I read reviews that suggest Miami is style over substance, but seriously, this show needs some decent substance every now and then. :rolleyes:
Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

Have TPTB implemented ridiculous storylines to ensure a continued success? Hell yes. :lol: Let's just say....well, I'll say one word: Marisol. That is all.

Totally agree 100%!!! :thumbsup:

Yea, I have to say Marisol was the "jump the shark" moment for me - and most every other fan. It could've been interesting, but it was done wayy too fast and all wrong. H had more intimate scenes w/that lawyer chick than he did w/Marisol, not to mention Yelina...
I think the biggest mistake was making Marisol the center of H's grief for the past two years when the audience never really knew her in the first place. H tells the guy in Brazil that Riaz killed his wife, but what about his BROTHER?? For those who've watched since the beginning, I think a lot of us were much more bothered by Ray's death than Marisol's. Storylines are dropped and people H supposedly cares about are forgotten for new stuff ::cough:: Ray, Jr. ::cough::.

Again agreed 100%.

Sorry I don't mean to sound like some fangirl who can't think up her own words but I couldn't have said it better myself! The whole Marisol thing was 100 times worse than H shooting all those Mala Noche with a smile on his face in the opening of 'All In'.

And you know what's ironic? The Marisol thing was David's idea!!!

IMO season 3 was the best. But it's getting better in s6, and I agree maybe someone sneeks in here to look once and awhile. We got H back in the lab for like what 3 or 4 epys in a row now?

Let's keep this up, maybe tptb will start listening to more we say. ;)
Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

For me, the show first jumped when Raymond Caine came back from the dead.

It was a relatively small jump when compared with events of later seasons to be sure, but for me it's the one that makes me the angriest because of the huge missed opportunities as far as future story lines go. I was willing to forgive them for using the lame old 'back from the dead' plot device because I was looking forward to seeing how they resolved the whole Horatio/Yelina/Raymond situation, so imagine my surprise when season 4 starts and it's like Yelina, Raymond and Ray Jr. never existed. Instead we get the Marisol debacle, which--as Lucy so brilliantly stated--was contrived and insulting.
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Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

Instead of a posting a link to that JUMP THE SHARK site and all of us stampeding over to it, I'm bringing JUMP THE SHARK here.
I wanna know in what way (ways) you think CSI: Miami has pulled the ol' JUMP THE SHARK trick.
Here's my list.
1....They killed Speedle.
2....They killed Hagen.
3....They killed Marisol.
4....They killed Raymond.

Good idea for a thread, I think CSI Miami has been jumping the shark since season 3. I agree with number one and two, not so much with three and four lol. But I ESPECIALLY agree with number 1 :)

14....The addition of the character Jake. OK, I was wrong ^^up there^^ in #10 when I said "I no longer have anyone (or anything) to hate." I do have a character to hate: JAKE.

Definitely agreed. There really was no need for the addition of the character other than to further Calleigh's storyline, but they could have done that with Eric and I think some fans would have been happier than with what they got. I know I would have been!

Another thing that makes me think CSI is jumping the shark, is that Horatio is getting less and less human. Remember in the early episodes when he used to be known for getting along with little kids so well? What happened to that reputation? That was a great thing for him, but now all he's known for is being a robot who can probably dish it out but can't take it.

ETA: the whole thing about Marisol being David's idea, a lot of things have been contrived from David's suggestions (if you want to call them that, I think of them as questionable thoughts), and most of them have been the STUPIDEST things in the world. Marisol being the biggest one. I can count on my hand the number of people that have told me that they actually liked the Marisol storyline. I personally think it was unnessicary, ludicrous, and insulting to the viewers. If TPTB wanted to really slap us in the face, this is how they did it. I'm actually surprised I didn't stop watching the show, but I definitely don't remember the beginning of season five. hmmmmm...
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Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

I think the first indication that this show was preparing itself to “jump the shark” was back at the tail end of Season 4. I have to say at the time, I hadn’t thought so, but looking back all I can say is that what has been spawned since then, well, yeah, “Jumped the Shark”.

While understandable, though for me totally not acceptable, that Horatio and Delko left for Rio to hunt down Riaz, (personal revenge, personal justice) this was however the first indication to me that the show was steadily going off the rails. I could understand why in Season 5 Horatio was distant, too many personal losses and in all honesty personal revenge never heals as I think many think it does, but since Rio, there has been a steady decline of all the characters, though most noticeably Horatio Caine – and considering Horatio Caine is really the central figure of the show, then so the show declined.

There used to be a certain amount of depth and warmth to the characters, which permeated the rest of the show. It was through these characters that you got to feel empathy for what they were doing and why. Now though, CSI Miami has not only jumped the shark, but is now crying out for a ‘bigger boat’ to carry all the shite that it’s spewing into the program.

I don’t know whether it is the writers or whether they are allowing the stars to dictate too much of what their characters do and say, but either way, the show is suffering badly for it. At the beginning the one-liners, the sunglasses, the backing out of a scene were a novelty and they were entertaining and humorous, but now they are irritating at best and teeth-grindingly annoying at worst because the character of Horatio Caine is no longer the super-cool hero, but a thug full of hypocrisy and a sense of justice that is self-serving and runs parallel with the criminals he’s there to prevent from carrying out their illegal activities.

So, yeah, CSI Miami has definitely jumped the shark, and also, in my opinion, on a fast track to imploding.

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Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe

For me, the show first jumped when Raymond Caine came back from the dead.

It was a relatively small jump when compared with events of later seasons to be sure, but for me it's the one that makes me the angriest because of the huge missed opportunities as far as future story lines go. I was willing to forgive them for using the lame old 'back from the dead' plot device because I was looking forward to seeing how they resolved the whole Horatio/Yelina/Raymond situation, so imagine my surprise when season 4 starts and it's like Yelina, Raymond and Ray Jr. never existed.

Actually, when I consider what the the initial 'jump the shark' moment might be, Ray's resurrection would quite probably be it. I completely agree, that at the time, I thought that this could be a positive move in terms of resolving the H/Yelina/Raymond storyarc, as Thumpy said. I was looking forward to how the writers would handle that. Creatively, there were so many possiblities. However, the fact that this storyarc was dropped for an entire season, and then when it was dealt with, it was so rushed, poorly handled and 'replaced' by the ill-conceived Marisol storyarc, I completely lost faith in the TPTB's ability to do Miami canon any true justice at all.
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