Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #6: A Beautiful Soul

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Hi fans, here's a site with all the caps from "FOR WARRICK" lots of course with Sara enjoy
Thank you so sooo much. Now that i saw, I am believing. That Sara came back and Warrick's gone. THose pics are great & if only i could put the bits and pieces into one and see the whole story. ;)
On other note, Jorja from the past.

Thanks everyone, nice photos.
Too Tough To Die was one of my fav episode. :)

Yeeh, looking forward for sara, 9x02...:thumbsup:
As always, please remember the rules for the picture thread:
In thumbnail form no bigger then either
2 Medium pics around 130x130, or
3 Small pics around 115x115.

Anything bigger (or over the amounts listed) should be put into no more than "6 URL Links" per post. Remember you can always show the Thumbnails with a clickable link to a bigger version.
As well remember to give URL links a name (not just re-put in the addy) a good descript of the pic will be helpful.
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