Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

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WOW, and you made an icon of the said picture rhcp beautiful, and thank's for you great caps ;) her 'modeling' Grissom would have gone ga-ga looking at this;)maybe he's got it on his nitestand :p

Actually that pic is from an interview & shooting with Stuff magazine in 2002. She was on CSI already when those pics were shot.

My fave from the shoot is this one:

des, i think I'M gaga over that pic
and mia, that's got to be one of my fav all time of jorja. i marvel at how they got her boobs to do that, lol.
and she looks good blonde, though i wouldn't trade her beautiful brown curls for anything!
Somehow blonde Jorja just doesn't look right to me. I guess I'm just so used to the brown hair. I love both those pics, I cn't decide which one I like better! I love her expressions, sort of "You know you want me." :lol:
u see her on the view?? she looked gorgeous. her hair is shorter, and naturally curly again, beautiful.
her outfit ($89.98) was incredibly sexy.
she's so cute and quirky, i loved it

thanks for sharing des, you always have such good pics, they brighten my day. you can be depended upon to bring us some pics if ever we are in a lull!!

any still from the view would be mucho appreciated!!

Here's a couple more from her appearance on Nov.14, on "THE VIEW" she's is such a girlie girl, so tiny and feminine ;)




And Brooke, you have to have a photobucket or imageshack account, and then download the pics. you find off of web-sites.. the mods on the 'FAN ART' thread are awesome, and will gladly help you through the steps. [it's easy] ;)hope this helps you!
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