Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

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Here's one with her and Marg, partying

nice pic desertwind
new pic i guess

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she looks sexy
bright smile
desert i think that's my love letter to her ;)

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OMG! I love all of the new photos. Especially the 'bright smile' one (<333) and this one above, with the guitar bag. :D
here are few more
nice blouse and cute accessory

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....another gorgeous smile with red background

....leaning by the car
cocoa_girl18 said:
nice pic desertwind
new pic i guess

*EDITED for oversized images. Please note when posting pictures in threads please keep them under or close to: 1 Large pic 400x400,or 2 Medium pics 130x130, or 3 Small pics 115x115. Anything larger then the max size should be put into links, and we ask no more the "6 URL Links" per post. Thank you.***

she looks sexy
bright smile

I am sooooooo in love witht that first picture! Everything about this woman.. she makes my heart skip a beat!
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