Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

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SaraSidle_girl said:
I was thinking about the higher part.. :devil:

You naughty girls!

Whoa. I love all those pics. Somehow, the STUFF photoshoot did not seem like something Jorja would do. I mean, she's awesome but she's not really the type to be on that kind of pictures.

I love this pic -- They're such good friends!
This one is cool too -- the mark is stupid.
It annoys me that Jorja gets labelled a butch by the people that see to dislike her, she is not at all. It is based on some bad stereotype that sporty women that, don't like in heels and make up are somehow manly. Especially when she is so beautiful and is clearly a fashion labels dream with her height and build.

There is nothing wrong with being a butch woman but if you are not it can be an insulting label. Just as it is that men call women tennis players "mooses" because they don't look like Sharapova. it makes my blood boil.
I have a very similar style to Sara, the jeans, t-shirts and boots but can were pretty clothes happily too. I love the dressier clothes and I like suits too, like Jorja. (I am a Cancerian like Jorja, who loves the water, so maybe similarities are not so strange.) Feminine doesn't mean fluffly or soft either or showing a weak side. It annoys me too when being feminine is derided as either being girly and
wearing flowerly dresses or wanting to be a wife and mother.
I even wear a strappy necklace too. I was given it as a birthday presents, five years ago. But I am not butch or a lesbian, though I am Bisexual.
It must be tough for Jorja to have people labelling her. It must be tough for her to be seen with a date male or female because she will disappoint her fans one way or another.

I am on a rant because I know that many people dislike Sara and I am sure it is because Jorja is seen as everything
Conservative Americans hate and it makes me sad and angry for Jorja.

I would love those skin picture of Jorja without the wigs, I think it is something she needed to do, maybe to shake up peoples perception of her and because it would lead to more very lucrative photoshoots.

This isn't to speculate about Jorja's sexuality, just a rant about the labels she attracks.
MissRoosFox said:
Somehow, the STUFF photoshoot did not seem like something Jorja would do. I mean, she's awesome but she's not really the type to be on that kind of pictures.

I agree. I was a little surprised when I saw them.

I like her more when she's like this! :D


That's one of my favorite Jorja pics. I love her outfit, her hair is beautiful and she has the sweetest smile.
SaraStar said:
MissRoosFox said:
Somehow, the STUFF photoshoot did not seem like something Jorja would do. I mean, she's awesome but she's not really the type to be on that kind of pictures.

I agree. I was a little surprised when I saw them.

I like her more when she's like this! :D


That's one of my favorite Jorja pics. I love her outfit, her hair is beautiful and she has the sweetest smile.
I agree. I was also surprise to see those pic. I love Jorja more when she's... simple! :) Simplicity is beauty! :D Love the pic Eva. :D Love all the pics guys!! :D
sarahSidle1981 said:
gsrLOVE said:
Here is a picture I haven't seen yet from the chicago. You know where Jorja is holding the TV Guide.. But it's different.. Take a look! :D If you've seen it before, then pfft. Haha. If you haven't than Yay! :D

Jorja with her Heineken, and some guy.

I see that guy with her in picture from award show, I think it might be her boyfriend.

The picture from the award show is a few years old (wasn't it 2003 Emmy's?) . Last time I checked Jorja was single..

Nice pics everyone.. Been gone for 24 hours and a lot of Pretty Jorja appears around here
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