Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #7

I really wanna see this movie! lol I know it's not big so will it air on tv or a website or DVD? hahaha
I saw Laurence Fishburne in Feb. on "The Talk". and to me Lisa Rhimi was so obnoxious I couldn't beleive she was the same delightful gal from "The King Of Queens" butted in constantly, was loud and over talked eveybody. Sharon Osbourne no comment. But the ones who were cool were Julie Chen [wife of head honch Les Moonves] and Holly Pete Robinson, adorable and sweet. who were the only ones who interviewed him. I really want to see Jorja she's rarely on talk shows;)And "The Talk" is nothing like "The View" on there they discuss politics and the news of the day. On "The Talk" they just ramble about themselves~
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Here's a short clip of Jorja's appearance yesterday on The Talk:

Jorja looks great! And, in a dress! Deep blue is her color, I think. :)
Loved the 'chubby, foxy lady girl' story. :lol:
She also talked a little about her ADI advocacy, which isn't in this clip. And they did show a short clip of Sara and Nick at a scene, but nothing else about CSI.

The full episode is available on the CBS The Talk website. Total fluff, but as always, Jorja was gracious and funny. Her appearance starts at around the 18 minute mark:
It was a real treat to see her on a live talk show. I thought she was so enthusiastic , bubby, and has a sparkling, genuine nice personailty so down to earth and real [can't say that about all celebrities]. She's 42 and look's 25, beautiful, so slim and all the gals were thrilled with her presence. She's also a smart cookie. Her teenage years, cute, her animal rights discussion, and being an environmentalist, so great. Loved her blue dress and heels, and how Sharon comments about her "model legs" She was funny on the photos being glued to her head and guessing who they were with hints, she got them all:eek: I'd seen her on YouTube but to my knowledge never on a talk show. Delightful:bolian: But alas never mentioned CSI:(
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I enjoyed seeing Jorja on The Talk! It was a lot of fun, and I chuckled at her stories. What she said about her parents is very similar to my mom and dad, lol. She looked beautiful, and I loved the dress! Something about her eyes reminded me of my step-daughter, which I hadn't noticed before. I was hoping for a little dirt on CSI, but alas, not to be.

Does anyone know what episode the show clip was from? I didn't recognize it for some reason, and it doesn't look very old.
I enjoyed seeing Jorja on The Talk! It was a lot of fun, and I chuckled at her stories. What she said about her parents is very similar to my mom and dad, lol. She looked beautiful, and I loved the dress! Something about her eyes reminded me of my step-daughter, which I hadn't noticed before. I was hoping for a little dirt on CSI, but alas, not to be.

Does anyone know what episode the show clip was from? I didn't recognize it for some reason, and it doesn't look very old.

Could be from an upcoming episode
maybe Dark Dark House, it looked creepy

She did look good.