Jorja Fox: Sara Sidle To Lighten Up This Season

CSI Files

<font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font> (Sara Sidle) interviewed this week with CBS to talk about the direction her character is headed this season.

"I'm really excited to see, you know, where Sara might go this year," the actress said. "She's been so heavy for just a long time. There have been all these different things sort of working against her, and I have a feeling that the hot air balloon that she's been looking for is gonna sail this season. And, uh, she'll lighten up a little bit and maybe we'll return to some of those storylines from time to time."

Playing Sara Sidle, Fox said, has been a great experience, though the character still remains a bit of an enigma. "I think she's almost, she's a little social misfit, really. You know, I think her social skills are some of the weakest skills that she has. It's awesome to play her, cause she's so smart, she's so good at her job. But when it comes to matters of the heart, or matters of friends or personally life, she's completely awkward and uneducated -- but sensitive to it."

Fox can hardly mention matters of the heart without addressing the Grissom-Sara "will they/won't they" relationship. Regarding the possible culmination or consummation of it, the actress remained as elusive as her character. "Well I would definitely say 'Never say never,'" she said. "You know, I think the ball is in Grissom's court at the moment. I think that Sara's made a decision that she's gonna move on. She chased him for about two seasons. I think there's definitely a possibility that something might happen between the two of them before it's all over. But who knows how long it's going to be before it's all over?"

In the meantime, the writers will remain busy trying to inject some of that old-school CSI feel into this new season. "I think this season we're going to go back, at least in the beginning of the season, to a lot of the early CSIs. Should be very story driven which will be fun! Cause it was kind of an emotional year. Character-wise, you know. All the characters, almost everybody on the show went through something deeply personal and sort of painful," she revealed. "So we'll wipe that out for a while, and probably do a lot of blowing things up and exciting chase scenes. And then get back again to the heart of the matter."

To download the video of this interview, in which Fox talks about her other projects, head over to the CSI section of CBS's video webpage.<center></center>
Yay! So happy Sara's character is going to lighten up this season. Last year was tough for her.

Spread the love!
Oh, fantastic! A happier Sara :D she so deserves some happiness...I'd really like to see her smile and laugh more often :)
It's good to see that Sara is easing off the "bad moods." A brighter, happier Sara could definetly make fans a LOT happier.
*Woohoo* It's about time to see Sara lighten up,,, So I totaly agree with all of you! ''Happy Sara''

If we have to have the OTJ relationship thing going on, wouldn't Catherine be a better match for Grissom?

Cath and Grissom have a totaly different relationship, they're best friends '' but that's my oppinion''
So I'm for the GSR :)
This is a great interview and I'm so excited to see the possibilities of Sara this season. She is such a complex character so her lightening up sounds like a GREAT idea for this season..........

And not that I'd ship anybody.............cough, cough.........but I could totally go for some GSR!!!!!
i'm glad ...she had a tough year and i'm glad that she's lighting up bu who says grissom can't help her with that :devil: they say love cleans the spirit ;) so who knows