its late... Catherine and Warrick are chatting online



This story is not mine

1am. Catherine logs on Yahoo Instant Messenger to find Warrick already on...

Catherine: Hey u

Warrick: Hey :)

Catherine: Didn’t think I'd find u here

Warrick: Y's that?

Catherine: Not something I'd expect a newlywed to be doing.

Warrick: Oh. Well... Tina's doing a double shift. She seems to b doing quite a few of those lately

Catherine: Sorry to hear that.

Warrick: Yeah well, wasn’t much of a wedding... can’t expect much of a marriage. sigh

Catherine: I'm sorry hug Are you having second thoughts?

Warrick: More like third or fourth thoughts.

Catherine: Really? wow

Warrick: Hey, you know that case in the sewer... where we ended up finding bones to that kid?

Catherine: Yeah.

Warrick: I keep thinking about when u fell and I caught you.

30 seconds pass

Catherine: k... you wanna fill me in on what you're thinking... Was i heavy? Did i have broccoli in my teeth?

10 seconds pass. Catherine sees the indicator that Warrick's typing...

Warrick: i was wondering if u wanted to kiss me, like i wanted to kiss u

Catherine: Warrick don’t do this

Warrick: Sorry.Ur right.

Catherine: Yes

Warrick: Well I can admit when I'm wrong... u gotta rub it in?

Catherine: no War, my answer is Yes... i wanted to kiss you... and would’ve loved if you kissed me. But you should know this Warrick. I told you how i felt about your marriage

Warrick: Think we could talk about this in person?

Catherine: Seems like it’s easier in this mode. Besides, I don’t think your wife would b happy with me visiting at this hour.

Warrick: If ur scared, say ur scared. Besides, I was gonna come over ur place. Unless u don’t want me to.

Catherine: Scared? You're the one married.

Warrick:U didn’t answer the question.

Catherine: I don’t see a question

Warrick: sigh U obviously don’t want me to come over. I understand.

Catherine: If you keep on answering your own questions, which you didn’t ask, someone's gonna have you committed! LOL -Yeah, you can come over. Lindsey's at my moms. It’s easier for her to catch the bus to school from over there. You sure you want to be alone with me to discuss 'us'?

Warrick: It’s long overdue and we wouldn’t b on this thing if we had company.

Catherine: Yeah, you're right. But something feels wrong.

Warrick: I don’t want u to feel uncomfortable. Cath I'd never do anything to hurt u intentionally.

Catherine: No we never intend to hurt but we do. Warrick, I think u need to sort out your marriage first. We can talk about 'us' then. I'm not going anywhere.

Warrick: If that’s what u want, that’s what it'll b. So forget the conversation, do u still want company?

Catherine: It'd b nice to watch a movie with a friend. You up for that?

Warrick: Better than sitting here and staring at the four walls.

Catherine: Well come on over. I'll get the popcorn ready, u get the drinks.

Warrick: K. Be there in a few. What r we watchin?

Catherine: I was in the mood for a classic... How about "An Affair to Remember"?

Warrick: Sounds good. C u in a few

Warrick signs off

Catherine signs off
I love these kind of fics. It's so easy to imagin em finding it easier talk bout stuff like that when they're not face-to-face. R ya gonna rite the bit when they watch the moie *crosses fingers*

Cordelia_GRS_Fan said:
I love these kind of fics. It's so easy to imagin em finding it easier talk bout stuff like that when they're not face-to-face. R ya gonna rite the bit when they watch the moie *crosses fingers*

well i didnt write the storie but Im gonna make a TBC about them together watching a movie :D
omg! When are you going to write it? thats an awesome fic cannot wait either
I think I read one of this on fanfic a long time ago...
Nice to see it here!
I hope this is not the end and that is a multychapter or whatever :)
Can someone else do a TBC story I have no inspiration for the next chapter.