is the crime lab....?


Dead on Arrival
i have wondered this from time to time but somehow have never discovered the answer...

on all the CSIs, is the crime lab located within the same building as the sheriff/police department for the county/city that they serve?
I do not know about the three cities in the show. I think Las Vegas crime lab in in another building separate from the police department. Here in Charleston, WV, the city police and many other communities around the state have to send items to be tested to the West Virginia State Police Forensic Laboratory in South Charleston, WV.
I always thought that the lab and police department were seperate in Vegas, but the same building in Miami. I'm not sure about NY.
Anyway, that's just my opinion.
Here is a news item from April 01, 2005:

Landlord gives Metro crime lab month to leave
By Jace Radke

The landlord of the West Charleston Boulevard office park that houses the Metro Police crime lab has told the police department to move out by the end of the month.

Undersheriff Doug Gillespie said that the department has found a new lab location that should be ready to move into in seven months to a year so he is trying to negotiate a one-year extension at the current location to avoid having to move the lab's sensitive equipment twice.

"We've outgrown the lab and that started us looking for an alternative site," Gillespie said of the facilities located on Charleston just east of Rainbow Boulevard.

Metro was served with a notice to vacate the Charleston site after agreeing Monday to a new lease in a larger building on Badura Avenue, south of Interstate 215 and west of Arville Street.

The landlord at the West Charleston property, Executive Development Corporation, wanted Metro to sign a new six-year lease, but after Metro refused and acquired the new property in Southwest Las Vegas, the landlord told the department to have the lab moved by April 30, police said.

If negotiations for the one-year extension fall through, Gillespie said that the department could move the lab equipment to some temporary, smaller lab space, or the department could go to court in an attempt to force the property owner to agree to the one-year extension.

Don Romano, president of Executive Development Corp., did not immediately return calls this morning seeking comment.

The lab houses the majority of Metro's forensic testing machinery and personnel. Fingerprint, DNA and toxicology analysis is done at the lab along with ballistics and other crime scene evidence analysis.

"No matter how we do this there is going to be some delay in our cases because of the technical aspects of what we're moving," Gillespie said.

He added that a one-year lease at the West Charleston facility would help to ensure that the delay is as minimal as possible and make the transition to the new lab facility smoother.

Metro currently pays a rate of $2.51 per square foot at the West Charleston facility. The new facility, which is larger and includes space for the lab to grow, has a lease rate under $2 per square foot, police said.
if you want to discuss real life crime labs, then this should probably be in the forensic science forum. if you wish to discuss the location, layout etc of the labs used on the show it can stay here.
let us know what youd prefer to do and we can deal with this thread
I'm not sure where to post this.. but it look's like this would be the place ;)


The creator of TV's "CSI" programs has made a $1 million dollar pledge to help build a 2nd crome lab in the Vegas Valley. Anthony Zuiker made the commitment recently to help build a new crime lab in Henderson, said Rick Workman , said. , the criminalists administrator for Henderson and who is who is spear heading the drive to build the lab. Zuiker is a 1991 graduate of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and is an alumnus of Chaparral High School in Las Vegas. To build a state-of-the-art crime lab in Henderson is expected to cost upwards of $37 million :eek:. The lab would be built with private money, but Henderson would operate it, Workman said. The Metropolitian Police Department operates a crime lab, but Workman said it is overwhelmed with backlogs of forensic evidence waiting to be processed. The Henderson crime lab would be used to help other law enforcement agencies in Southern Nevada, Workman said. More info about the effort is available on

Las Vegas Review Journal..reporter Francis McCabe
my question is in reference to the crime labs on the 3 CSI shows; are they located within the police/sheriff's department, or are they in a separate location?

on CSI vegas i assume they're in different locations b/c on "bang bang," nick calls the escort and tells her to come to the addy of the crime lab, surely she would have recognized the police/sheriff's department

what about the other 2 CSI shows?
You're right, CSI_junkie, they are in separate buildings in Vegas. If you remember back to Season 2, Organ Grinder.

After Catherine, Sara and Grissom finish interviewing the two women, Catherine says to Grissom "Meet you back at CSI". Next thing we see is Grissom outside near the cars.
thanks. any clue as to the other 2 shows? i know monday night when boa vista was arrested and brought in, eric and calleigh were on their way out of the building, though it's not clear if they were leaving the sheriff's dept or if the sheriff's dept is located at the lab and they were coming down to see her be brought in.
Sorry, I can't help you there. I only watch Vegas.

I did however see a few episodes of New York, and it looked to me like they were in the same building.
Yeah, I think that they're in seperate buildings too. The interiors look totally different. The crime lab is really modern and the police department looks kind of old.
it is in seperate buildings you can see the difference between them when they are walking down the halls after interrogating the suspects