Is 'New York' Facing Cancellation?

Sorry about the double header there folks but the computer is playing up and as for proof of SW's affect on ratings S6 opener got 16 million + viewers S7 just scraped over 10 and has been in freefall ever since plus if you read any message board and I do mean any you will see just how unpopular this character swap is and how angry the fan population has become hence the mass exodus after all doesn't the same TV guide arcticle clearly state Blue bloods is creaming CSI:NY in the ratings on the same night with just an hour or so difference in start time.
I don't watch NY as religiously as the other two CSI's, but it would be a shame if it were to be cancelled. Obviously the move to Friday will have badly affected the ratings (although I'm only judging that on other's responses since I'm a Brit and the change hasn't really affected us) and MK did have her fair share of fans that have probably left the show with her (same thing happened with Speed, Warrick, Grissom etc.). Personally Stella was my least favourite character so I'm glad she's gone, and I think SW is doing a fantastic job filling her shoes. Like all three shows I do hope it survives, but I'm not keeping my hopes up that the network will give it a chance (I already made that mistake with the guys who cancelled Heroes and Flashforward :p)
PHANTOMERIK, you can edit your posts for 24 hours. Computers can be a pain in the butt, but please keep that in mind next time rather than double or triple posting. :)

When I was looking through the ratings yesterday, I noticed that there were several episodes toward the end of season 6 that got 10-11 million viewers. "Tales from the Undercard" only pulled in 10.22 million viewers (based on overnight ratings) - and this was during season 6, on Wednesday nights, with Melina there. None of the last 7 episodes of season 6 cracked 12 million viewers (again, based on overnight ratings).

I'm not saying none of the ratings drop can be blamed on Melina's absence, and the timeslot change certainly played a role, but NY's ratings varied a lot even last season.
Unfortunately, as great of an actress Sela is, I think this show was heading downhill fast. Especially after last season.
She has added something that has been needed, some fresh blood.

But,the show is at the mercy of the new night (Yes, Friday in the states is the death night, but not as bad as Saturday night) and the fact that one of their long time characters has left. And the miserable way they handled it. No offense but what the HECK was up with Lindsay getting Stella's note and not Mac? To me that's not how it should have been handled. And yes, perhaps that was a factor in why people no longer tune in??? :confused:

Between the move to Friday and Melina's departure, I'm not at all shocked at the possibility that the show would be canceled. I hope it's not. Maybe they could move it back to Wednesday and put it up against L&O SVU like it was before??

I hear ya ghosthunter. I wish they had brought Sela Ward IN ADDITION to Melina Kanakaredes and we could've had TWO leading ladies instead of one or the other. Too many people I think grossly underestimate how many fans felt over MK's leaving and the lack of any references to Stella's departure, not to mention how many millions of M/S fans were suddenly left permanently hanging. It is for this reason for why I've been acting so hostile as of lately on here and why I profoundly reject any romance ideas for Mac, except for someone off-screen or someone we don't see.

I will miss this show dearly, and Mac/Stella at least in the first five seasons will always have a place in my heart, even as I wish for the TV-Show's death as of this writing barring MK making a guest appearance and/or Sinise closing out his time by Mac going to New Orleans, very much like how Grissom went to Costa Rica and he and Sara kissed. It would undo much of the devastation that happened to NY and not only that, would become like a Lazarus-moment for me and countless others. Either that, or the show can simply be left to freeze to death in the cold winter weather of Friday Night's Death Slot.

I've literally watched entire forums change in tone since MK left. While CSI Files remains alive and well, I've noticed changes in membership, many users I once chatted with endlessly seemingly have stopped watching the show posting in protest of MK's departure. I've made a lot of friends with Stella/Melina fans, even those who weren't M/S shippers who felt disrespected and thrown under the bus by tptb.

Adding insult to that, the note being sent to Lindsay and NOTHING to Mac, just left countless fans so angry on a scale that I haven't seen. It's no wonder my love of CSI NY turned into utter hatred literally overnight.

It will take me a very long time to fully recover from CSI:NY's demise. It took me a long time to recover from "Gargoyles" and "Where On Earth Is Carmen Sandiego" vanishing more than 13 years earlier. HOWEVER, those shows ended, which left me wondering where to go. CSI:NY is the first time I actually walked away from a TV-Show in sheer anger.

I don't feel this way towards Vegas or even Miami, even if I never could embrace the latter. The former seems like a very, very old friend who you know is dying and you're prepared to mourn his/her passing. Even Vegas and Miami, as old and long-in-the-tooth they are, have much better prospects than NY does. I could even say NY ending up going all Curly Howard. CSI NY is the youngest of the shows but could very well be the first of them to die. :( (Curly Howard died in 1952, Shemp in 1955, and Moe in 1975).

The anger I felt over CSI:NY turning into a wormwood has been such that with the exception of "Desperate Housewives" and NFL Football, the amount of TV I watch right now, as of this writing, has plummeted to near-zero, save for the Weather Channel.

I go through some unpleasant transitional phases in TV habits and unfortunately, this might be the most difficult change in TV habits I've gone through in a very long time. It's sad it came to this, to see my former favorite TV-Show turn into the Mother of all Wormwoods. :(:mad::evil::angryrazz::brickwall:

Thankfully, historically, such experiences are very rare for me. This though is one of those rare ones occurring right now.

Once again, I'm very, very sorry for my conduct as of lately on this forum but at the same time, could not just be quiet about how this all played out over the summer and early fall.
Melina left. Whatever the circumstances leading up to her departure (and we don't know exactly what happened), ultimately the decision to leave was hers. There are still multiple actors on the show that have been there since the beginning, and several more that have been around since season two.

I don't understand why people say they want the show to get cancelled and all of those people to lose their jobs (not to mention all of the people behind the scenes who would also be out of a job) because Melina chose to leave. I understand being upset about losing a beloved character, but I just don't understand all of the hostility. Yes, the way they wrote her out of the season premiere was crap, but I see their reasons for going with a quick, quiet transition instead of making a Big Deal out of it even if I didn't like the end result. The show must go on.

Melina left. Gary, Hill, Eddie and Carmine have been there since season one, and Anna, Bob and AJ joined in season two. That's seven people who stuck around. I don't think it's fair to say none of them are important because one person is gone. However I feel about Melina's exit, I watch CSI:NY because it's an ensemble show, and most of that ensemble is still there.

I understand that people no longer want to watch the show, but the vitriol and the eagerness to see it cancelled just doesn't make sense to me. :confused:
hear ya ghosthunter. I wish they had brought Sela Ward IN ADDITION to Melina Kanakaredes and we could've had TWO leading ladies instead of one or the other. Too many people I think grossly underestimate how many fans felt over MK's leaving and the lack of any references to Stella's departure, not to mention how many millions of M/S fans were suddenly left permanently hanging. It is for this reason for why I've been acting so hostile as of lately on here and why I profoundly reject any romance ideas for Mac, except for someone off-screen or someone we don't see.

I've literally watched entire forums change in tone since MK left. While CSI Files remains alive and well, I've noticed changes in membership, many users I once chatted with endlessly seemingly have stopped watching the show posting in protest of MK's departure. I've made a lot of friends with Stella/Melina fans, even those who weren't M/S shippers who felt disrespected and thrown under the bus by tptb.

Adding insult to that, the note being sent to Lindsay and NOTHING to Mac, just left countless fans so angry on a scale that I haven't seen. It's no wonder my love of CSI NY turned into utter hatred literally overnight.

I could not agree more my dear there are whole legions of fans out there who are massively pissed at losing MK/Stella/Smacked and that is exactly why the future does not bode well for the show, I’ve even seen postings that stated the show was dead to this person solely because of this one thing. On certain sites SW is regarded as the TV equivalent of double pneumonia actually I suspect double pneumonia would be more welcome her name isn’t so much mud as quicksand something TPTB in particular P.V. seem completely oblivious to. I would have loved another female character appearing alongside MK/Stella particularly as a love interest /sparring partner for Flack I miss the fun he had flirting with Jess, Lindsay never particularly interested me and I thought the show was a tad over balanced in a guy way last season but under no circumstances should we ever have had a situation where we have a new female character instead of Stella/ MK. Yes the ratings fluctuated last year because the storylines were particularly dire ‘triangle’ is all I need to say on that subject not because Stella was still there and I should point out at no time in the last 6 seasons have the ratings ever dropped as low as they have with the past four episodes add to that the highest rating achieved so far (the season opener) as only matched the lowest ratings of the previous 6 seasons and you can see how far the show as fallen from grace and it doesn’t take a genius to work out why that is does it? TPTB aren’t doing themselves any favours here if they want to attract their audience back then any idea of Mac having a love interest other than Stella must be scrapped permanently and Jo must be kept off screen and away from him as much as is humanly possible. They don’t need to have MK physically there to continue with Smacked all they need do is have Mac heard chatting to Stella on the phone, sending her flowers for her birthday or even telling the team he’s off to New Orleans for the weekend the list is endless. It’s not difficult to do and it would make a whole lot of people deliriously happy and get a whole lot more backsides back on sofa’s then parachuting in whole armies of guest stars which we have just seen in Edward Olmos case doesn’t work and never will. Right now a large part of the audience is angry, bitterly disappointed and feeling cheated out of something they cared a great deal about in Smacked is it any wonder they are not at all willing to accept a replacement for someone as well loved as MK and her character? A large section of audience the show badly needs back just to survive I might add and it’s high time actually well past time TPTB admitted that and addressed the problem. I still think the best option would be for Sela Ward to go I think that in the absence of Stella then people would actually prefer just to see Lindsey and the boys I know I would and at least that way TPTB wouldn’t anger or alienate anymore of its increasingly meagre audience. This whole thing reminds me of the whole Beauty and the Beast thing during the 80’s for those of us of a certain age, for the first two seasons it was a real ratings winner then the hugely popular Catherine was killed off when the actress left to be replaced by Diana net result the show was cancelled mid way through the third season. Swapping leading ladies didn’t work twenty years ago and it isn’t going to work now just as Catherine Chandler will always be Vincent’s girl Stella Bonasera will always be Mac Taylor’s the two are just too intertwined and well loved to separate. At least last year TPTB had the good sense (one of the few times they actually did) to cut their losses when they realised replacing Jess with Haylen wasn’t working lets hope they exercise the same good judgement now regardless of the egg on their faces before the show bites the dust. Again the best thing that PV & co could do right now is to pull out every stop they have and get MK/Stella back even if it’s only for one episode I think TPTB would find the audience would be far more willing to consider a replacement for Stella if they were to be given a happy resolution to the Smacked storyline first.
The problem with wanting a "proper resolution to SMACked" is that there WAS NO MAC/STELLA ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP ON THE SHOW. SMACked is a ship that was made up because some fans saw romantic subtext between the two characters. There was never any canon romantic feelings between the two characters. It makes about as much sense to stop watching the show and start spewing hatred for it because Melina left and there will be no Mac/Stella as it would if Carmine left the show and Danny/Flack fans would to go ballistic, stop watching and wish for its cancellation because there can no longer be any ship for them to follow.

I agree with Faylinn. If people want to stop watching the show because Melina CHOSE to leave, then OK. But hanging around a message board and spewing hatred and cheering for the show to end because you personally are pissed doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
Friday night is a death slot anyhow. People are often not home Friday night.

Exactly. I haven't seen the show live once this season. A lot of people are out on Friday nights, and that's really the single biggest reason for the ratings drop.

If they think New York is facing cancellation they should keep an eye on Miami - 10pm Sunday nights? How many times did Cold Case not air last season because of football over-run?


Football overrun is definitely hurting Miami's numbers. Once football season is over Miami will probably rally somewhat, but its averages will be affected by the football overruns.

PHANTOMERIK, you can edit your posts for 24 hours. Computers can be a pain in the butt, but please keep that in mind next time rather than double or triple posting. :)

The return key is your friend, too, for big blocks of text like that. :) Visually it helps people read more easily if it's broken up in paragraphs.

When I was looking through the ratings yesterday, I noticed that there were several episodes toward the end of season 6 that got 10-11 million viewers. "Tales from the Undercard" only pulled in 10.22 million viewers (based on overnight ratings) - and this was during season 6, on Wednesday nights, with Melina there. None of the last 7 episodes of season 6 cracked 12 million viewers (again, based on overnight ratings).

Exactly. It's beginning of the season levels are similar to its end of the season levels last year... which means yes, it's going to drop more, but it's still not quite as down as some people--and that includes TV Guide ;) --want to paint it to be.

CBS knew the ratings would drop on Friday nights. But they also want to have a block of shows that viewers who are home on Friday nights will watch. Blue Bloods' success is actually a good thing for CSI: NY--the two shows go well together and have similar numbers, even if Blue Bloods' numbers are higher. Maybe next season, they'll swap time slots or something.

Unless CSI: NY's numbers go way, way down, I expect it will be around next season--which is actually not something I thought I'd be saying after the show moved to Friday nights. I doubt that CBS will cancel it or The Good Wife. The other shows... maybe.
Friday night is a death slot anyhow. People are often not home Friday night.

Exactly. I haven't seen the show live once this season. A lot of people are out on Friday nights, and that's really the single biggest reason for the ratings drop.

Me neither. I'm never home friday nights. I've watched all episodes online this season.

I'm a total homebody, but the one night my folks and I like to go out to dinner is Friday nights. By the time we go and get back NY is usually at least half over so I've not seen any of them on Friday night either.