Unfortunately, as great of an actress Sela is, I think this show was heading downhill fast. Especially after last season.
She has added something that has been needed, some fresh blood.
But,the show is at the mercy of the new night (Yes, Friday in the states is the death night, but not as bad as Saturday night) and the fact that one of their long time characters has left. And the miserable way they handled it. No offense but what the HECK was up with Lindsay getting Stella's note and not Mac? To me that's not how it should have been handled. And yes, perhaps that was a factor in why people no longer tune in???
Between the move to Friday and Melina's departure, I'm not at all shocked at the possibility that the show would be canceled. I hope it's not. Maybe they could move it back to Wednesday and put it up against L&O SVU like it was before??
I hear ya ghosthunter. I wish they had brought Sela Ward IN ADDITION to Melina Kanakaredes and we could've had TWO leading ladies instead of one or the other. Too many people I think grossly underestimate how many fans felt over MK's leaving and the lack of any references to Stella's departure, not to mention how many millions of M/S fans were suddenly left permanently hanging. It is for this reason for why I've been acting so hostile as of lately on here and why I profoundly reject any romance ideas for Mac, except for someone off-screen or someone we don't see.
I will miss this show dearly, and Mac/Stella at least in the first five seasons will always have a place in my heart, even as I wish for the TV-Show's death as of this writing barring MK making a guest appearance and/or Sinise closing out his time by Mac going to New Orleans, very much like how Grissom went to Costa Rica and he and Sara kissed. It would undo much of the devastation that happened to NY and not only that, would become like a Lazarus-moment for me and countless others. Either that, or the show can simply be left to freeze to death in the cold winter weather of Friday Night's Death Slot.
I've literally watched entire forums change in tone since MK left. While CSI Files remains alive and well, I've noticed changes in membership, many users I once chatted with endlessly seemingly have stopped watching the show posting in protest of MK's departure. I've made a lot of friends with Stella/Melina fans, even those who weren't M/S shippers who felt disrespected and thrown under the bus by tptb.
Adding insult to that, the note being sent to Lindsay and NOTHING to Mac, just left countless fans so angry on a scale that I haven't seen. It's no wonder my love of CSI NY turned into utter hatred literally overnight.
It will take me a very long time to fully recover from CSI:NY's demise. It took me a long time to recover from "Gargoyles" and "Where On Earth Is Carmen Sandiego" vanishing more than 13 years earlier. HOWEVER, those shows ended, which left me wondering where to go. CSI:NY is the first time I actually walked away from a TV-Show in sheer anger.
I don't feel this way towards Vegas or even Miami, even if I never could embrace the latter. The former seems like a very, very old friend who you know is dying and you're prepared to mourn his/her passing. Even Vegas and Miami, as old and long-in-the-tooth they are, have much better prospects than NY does. I could even say NY ending up going all Curly Howard. CSI NY is the youngest of the shows but could very well be the first of them to die.

(Curly Howard died in 1952, Shemp in 1955, and Moe in 1975).
The anger I felt over CSI:NY turning into a wormwood has been such that with the exception of "Desperate Housewives" and NFL Football, the amount of TV I watch right now, as of this writing, has plummeted to near-zero, save for the Weather Channel.
I go through some unpleasant transitional phases in TV habits and unfortunately, this might be the most difficult change in TV habits I've gone through in a very long time. It's sad it came to this, to see my former favorite TV-Show turn into the Mother of all Wormwoods.

Thankfully, historically, such experiences are very rare for me. This though is one of those rare ones occurring right now.
Once again, I'm very, very sorry for my conduct as of lately on this forum but at the same time, could not just be quiet about how this all played out over the summer and early fall.