Interview: Rory Cochrane

Re: Speed is still alive!...In Japan...

thank you for understanding Speed Cochrane, like i said, i dont know the whole story, and obviously it was his choice to make, and we cant be too mad at him for not liking it there, but then for me, the only real problem i have is: why start it at all? why let people get attached to you, when you know that you dont like it and might end up leaving soon?

i have never seen an episode wiht him, but i am trying to get some episodes because just reading what you guys say about him, i get the feeling that he brought a lot to the show and did a fantastic job, so i am not trying to demean him in any sense, i just wonder why he started if he didnt like it? which of course only he can answer, so i guess we will wonder for the rest of our lives! :D
Re: Speed is still alive!...In Japan...

That is the exact question I have :lol: Why start and then leave anyway? Anywho, I guess when I meet him someday I'll ask :lol:
Re: Speed is still alive!...In Japan...

As much as I hate it when actors gripe about their jobs, I have to say that I think it was fair for Rory to leave if he didn't like the schedule. It's just like any other person leaving a job that isn't the right fit for them--yes it's hard for their co-workers and people who enjoy working with them, but you can't always stick around for other people.

I can understand Rory's point of view more than say Vanessa Ferlito's, since she worked on a show and knew what she was getting into when she signed on. It sounds like Rory was a little hesitant to sign onto Miami in the first place, and pretty quickly discovered it wasn't for him. Still, he stuck it out for two years.

I'm glad to see this interview is still kicking around and generating discussion! :) Rory was very candid and I thought that was really refreshing--he said why he wasn't happy with being on the show but also clearly had thought about the fanbase as well.
Re: Speed is still alive!...In Japan...

Yeah he did thank the fans for being so supportive, little does he know we're still here running amuk about his character :lol:
Yeah, I think he'd be surprised there's still so much loyalty to Speed! I miss him too--he was my favorite character on Miami. I love Ryan, too, and I kind of wish we would have been able to see the two interact. They're such opposites. :lol:
Here in the UK I've only just seen the "Lost Son" episode and to say I was totally gutted by Speedle's swift despatch to the coroner's table is putting it mildly. I am totally addicted to all the CSI series and had become particularily fond of 'Speedle'. Having read the interview with Rory I have to say that I did think he was getting fed up with his character and that the character did seem to be going nowhere. It did show in the series and on Rory's face but that is the fault of the writers. The story lines are great but the character's story lines are a bit weak as some of the charaters almost pale into insignificance. (Totally not the actor's fault. They do the best they can with what they're given.) It's sad to think that the writers couldn't have talked Rory into staying by maybe offering to spruce up his character and give his character a better story line. It is sad also that they still have Rory by the short and curlies as he can't do any other TV work for 4 years! That really sucks! I mean what damage do they think he will do to CSI Miami if he got other TV work? It seems like they still want to control poor Rory. I hope Rory gets some quality personal time now that he is free of CSI and wish him every success in his film career. CSI Miami just won't be the same without him and I only wish that his character had not been killed off as it leaves no possibility for his return at a later date.The writers might have considered this when Rory wanted out. I'm sure they could just have given him time out but left an avenue of return if Rory had changed his mind after some R & R.
Well Rory didn't even want to do tv to begin with, so having his contract stating he can't appear on any other tv show is probably fine with him. Personally in two years when his contract is up, I think he could guest star on CSI :lol: Hey everyone's doing it :lol: And then we would all be very confused.
I think Rory leaving on his own free will is better than finding out in the writing room that his character has been decided to be cut out. So him leaving on his own will was a good thing.
Hi there, I totally agree with you. It just goes to show that he has great faith in his acting abilities (don't we all!!) and he jumped BEFORE he was pushed. Does anyone know when Right at your door and A Scanner Darkly wil be making it to the UK? I am having withdrawal symptoms now the lovely Mr Speedle has departed to the crime lab in the sky. I find great comfort watching the old episodes of Miami, Dazed and Confused and Empire records - but I need more!!!!!!