Internet Insomnia

1. What keeps you up at night?
My mind tends not te give me any second of relaxing. I am always thinking in a million miles an hour speed. Tend to "forget" time when behind my computer. Watching tv shows, webdevelopment, gaming ect.

2. How do you get to sleep if you're having trouble?
Focus on 1 point even when my eyes are closed.

3. What do you do if you really can't sleep.
Just stay in bed anyway. If you get out of bed each time that you can't sleep your body is gonna adjust to that and that makes the insomia even worse. If you stay in bed after a long period your body is gonna give up on the insomia. (it really takes long before insomia dissapears but it really is the trick to stay in bed when you can't sleep!)

I have a moodswing dissorder and some of the nights I don't sleep at all because my mind is to "awake". I used to stay out of bed which allowed my body to get used to that so even in times I needed the sleep I couldn't sleep... Now I am trying to relax at those sleepless nights and I can sleep at the nights I need the sleep! But staying out of bed makes it worse for sure!
I rarely get insomnia, I use to a few years ago but these days I am always tired. I am aneamic and I seem to always sleep rather than always be awake.
I think the best thing to do is have a sleep routine, so it doesnt mess up your body clock.
Go bed at the same time every night, even if you are not tired, you will soon get into the routine and will fall asleep at that time. (may not feel like it at the start but you will feel mroe healthy as time goes on)
Get up nearly the same time every day.
Alot of people say "I slept loads yesterday, why am i still tired today?" or vise versa.. it doesnt work like cant sleep loads and get up late one day and expect to not be tired the next..
I usually just lie in bed listening to music to get me off to sleep.. :)
I try to sleep at same time as much as I can.. and it has worked over the past year or two. :)
I wouldn't say i have insomnia as such, but it does take me ages to get to sleep. Even if i'm really tired i can be tossing and turning in my bed for up to 2 hours before i fall asleep. It used to really bother me, but now i'm used to it and i try to sleep in as long as possible on weekends to make up for it.
It was bad last week because i had my first A-level exam and i just couldn't sleep. I was so tired in the morning but some how i got through the day. I hope it doesn't happen this week as i have 4 days of exams.
I realised sleeping pills dont work- they make you drowsy and once when I took them I overslept and felt terrible the day after.
Perhaps seeing a doctor would work?
Good luck with your exams. :)
1. What keeps you up at night?
If I have this huge project where I need to present the next day I can never sleep. If I'm going on a trip in the morning I just get so excited I can't sleep. But I tell myself to sleep cause it's going to be a long day but then of course I don't. If I'm overtired I just can't get comfortable and I'm either too hot or too cold. It sucks.
2. How do you get to sleep if you're having trouble?
If it's reaally bad I'll go on the computer and then I get really tired. This is gonna sound lame, but sometimes I'll make up stories in my head. Like using the CSI characters, and I just fall asleep while making it up. :lol:
3. What do you do if you really can't sleep.
I just lay there really frustrated.

Oh, and I'm like Fool4love. Even if I'm super tired I won't be able to fall asleep right away. On normal days it takes about 1.5 hours or more to actually fall asleep. It's frustrating sometimes because I have a few friends that fall asleep as soon as their head touches the pillow and I'm still awake like :mad:
My parents thought I had insomnia, since it always took me like 2-3 hours to get to sleep. Turns out, I stress about everything, and major stress lead to me not sleeping, getting ill, etc etc. It doesn't affect me too much now, since schools finished, so that's a whole load of my mind, but certain things still keep me up-If my rooms untidy, if the light switches aren't 'right', if I think something's on, or the windows open etc etc.

To combat it, I just have to, religiously, go around and make sure all my quirky problems are sorted, and just learn to deal with it. Either that or think of Math! :lol:

^^^ Glad to see i'm not the only one. I was at a sleepover a few months ago and we stayed up really late watching DVDs. Then my friends all fell asleep like right away and there was me in the middle trying not to move too much in case i woke someone up.

Thanks Alien_from_Mars. I might look into getting some herbal sleep remedies to see if they help.
Can anyone recommend something?
I cant for the life of me think what it is called, but in college we were learning about complementary therapies, and there is one that you put onto your pillow which helps you sleep at night.
Ill try to look it up later.
Melatonin~~ it's what your body produces naturally to make you fall asleep.
it's an herbal supplement you should be able to get over the counter at most pharmacies, drug stores and grocery stores.

Yes, and a regular bedtime and wake up time are actually the best for sleeping.
Going to bed at the same time (just about) every night helps produce Melatonin, to help you sleep.
Getting up around the same time every morning also helps regulate sleep patterns so you can fall asleep easier.
What keeps you up at night?
Stress usually or the fact that I have always had a sleeping disorder of some sort. It just varies in how it affects me depending on what's going on in my life at the time. Also my job means that I can have irregular working hours so finish late (10pm)one day and start early (7am) the next. At the moment it is very stable and so I get regular sleeping hours.
How do you get to sleep if you're having trouble?
I listen to music, watch tv or if all else fails I clear my mind of everything and try to relax. Usually I stay up until I can barely stay awake anyway, it saves me the trouble of going to bed and then having to get up cos I can't sleep.
What do you do if you really can't sleep?
Give up and read a book or watch tv.
what keeps you up at night?
most of the time its just my own reluctance to go to bed. even when i have to get up the next morning i just keep saying, oh i'll go in the next 5 minutes and an hour later i still haven't gone. even when i do go to bed sometimes i don't sleep. i'll go days without sleeping and on nights i do sleep its only for 4 or 5 hours. one of these days that is going to catch up to me...
how do you get to sleep in you're having trouble?
i've tried everything. i used to take medication that made me sleep but i hated it so i quit. usually if i can't sleep i'll lay down anyway and after an hour or two i'll drift off. if its a bad night though i'll lay there all night. its happened before. its terribly frustrating.
what do you do if you really can't sleep
usually watch tv or if i'm alone i like to bake in the middle of the night. (weird...i know)
usually watch tv or if i'm alone i like to bake in the middle of the night. (weird...i know)

:D Once I tried to make hot chocolate at like three in the morning (with chocolate powder stuff) and I was like: "This isn't chocolaty enough" and kept adding more until I couldn't even drink it!

I have phenagon (or something) tablets which is like an antihistamine or something which seams to work on me although, I have to only take it if I think I won't be able to sleep, because if I have some in the middle of the night, I'm really groggy when I wake up. :p
What keeps you up at night?
Well, I'm always really scared that I'm hearing someone. Or the heat keeps me up really late usually. Or sometimes I just can't stop thinking about stuff going on in my life.

How do you get to sleep if you're having trouble?
I usually sniff lavender beads, which doesn't work. But the smell also calms me. I just lay there and think too. Or when I'm really mad that I can't sleep, I call my friends on private, because if I have to be up so do they. :devil:

What do you do if you really can't sleep?
I watch TV, but I won't watch crime shows, they freak me out at night. Or I find a baseball bat and just hold it because it makes me feel safer. Or wait until the sun comes up and than sit outside and watch the sunrise.

Collectively in the last 3 days, I've gotten 8 hours of sleep.