If you were a GUEST STAR on CSI, which role would you choose?

If you were a guest-star, which role would you choose?

  • Victim (dead)

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • Victim (alive)

    Votes: 14 13.9%
  • Suspect (innocent)

    Votes: 11 10.9%
  • Suspect (guilty)

    Votes: 32 31.7%
  • Witness

    Votes: 15 14.9%
  • Other (let us know which role you'd choose instead!)

    Votes: 24 23.8%

  • Total voters
I chose 'suspect Guilty'. I would really like to be the bad guy and being interrogated by Speed (if he was still here). For me, being a bad guy is much more fun and exciting than being good all the time.:devil:
a guilty suspect who gives Mac runaround
making it really hard to prove, I am the murderer
and a serial killer would be kinda cool, too :D and messing with the CSIs
I'd like to be a guest detective or a suspect. I wouldn't make a good victim...

It'd also be cool if I could play the sister/girlfriend/whatever of a victim whose case was unsolved and then I'd plan my revenge on the CSI's for not nailing the killer, I'd storm into the lab and shoot Grissom, then Sara would tackle me down, cuff me and later interrogate me with Sofia... okay, this sounds too much like fanfic... I better shut up now. :p
I chose other, because, well, I'd want to be Nick's girlfriend. Lets face it he needs someone in his life and he has a thing for red heads, and I have red auburn hair.

Besides Nick is the most sexiest CSI there is. :drool:
Seeing as I don't have the requisite red hair, I'll leave that particular role for Speedy ;)

It would have to be a guilty suspect being grilled by Brass and Nick. As I'm fairly mouthy I'd love to get steamrollered by Brass's sarcasm and then be able to evidence all of CSI Stokes nostril flaring at close quarters.

Well worth a spell inside :lol:
You know, it might be nice to be in a situation where Eric would have to save my life :devil: so forget being a witness and talking to him or Calleigh, I'd just like to be saved by Eric somehow and have his arms around me...
i'd definitely choose to be the guilty suspect, being questioned by Horatio and listening to his one-liners and conversation with Tripp about how to charge me with the crime, i love how he gets to the solutions with these talks by recognizing one tiny missing part of the suspect's story :)

*or instead of them i could do with Ryan Wolfe as well :devil: *
I'd love to be a witness who gets interrogated by Don Flack. Then after determining that I know too, I'm taken into protective custody.
haha. I love this thread.

This sounds strange but I'd want to be a recurring serial killer. Maybe because it'd be cool to just be able to confuse the smart as CSIs and to keep them guessing- only for a little while until I got caught.
I voted other.. I'd like to be some great CSI from North Carolina that had to be called in for a huge case.. :) lol, I know, keep dreamin..:)