If You Were A CSI, What Would You Have "Issues" With?


~Nocturnal Jenn~
Premium Member
You know how on CSI: Miami, we find out that Calleigh has a thing about ants, and on CSI Sara has a thing about mucous. That is right isn't it? That Sara/Mucous thing, or did I just pull that out of thin air?

Anyway, for me, it'd also be mucous. It just grosses me out. I work in child care, and I've had just about every bodily fluid that cam come from a small child on me at some point, and most I can take in stride, but not the mucous. *shudders*

Also, another thing would be huge amounts of blood. I had often though when I was a kid that I'd like to be a doctor, pathologist, or something in the law enforcement/forensics field, but after seeing my father cut his hand one day and nearly passing out at the sight of the small pool of blood that collected on the steps, I knew that was more than likely not gonna happen.

To those you you who wouldn't have an issue with anything, you have my utmost respect, lol.

I apologize if this question has already been asked, I searched this forum and didn't see a thread like it. Also, I hope I was too graphic in my descriptions above. :eek:
I don't have issues, except with the whole working with dead people thing...scary. No graveyards at night for me. And no processing evidence at great heights. *shudders*
Oh, let's see....the smell would be an issue. The decomposing corpse would be an issue. Bugs would be an issue. Going through trash would be an issue. Dealing with vomit would be an issue. Going into sewers would be an issue. Ok, I'll stop now because pretty much everything BUT the blood is what I'd have a problem with. I'd be more likely to be a lab technichian cause inside the lab is much safer and cleaner. :D
*cheers for lab techies* I'd rather do lab work than be in the field personally. I have no idea if I could tolerate all the stuff they find out there or not. I can stand blood, but I've never experienced anything else so I don't know.
hmm thats a toughie. There isnt much that groses me out..but
i think that working on a case that had to do with a murder of a child would definatly affect me big time.
I think I'd like to be in the lab too. :D

I couldn't deal with most of it. Especially if there was a "liquid man" or something. I'd lose it.
The smell of decomposing bodies would just...ugh. I couldn't take it.

Dead bodies, I wouldn't be able to take that either. Having to touch their cold skin..im shuddering just thinking about it.

I would be a lab tech like nickie and labrat. The most disgusting it could get is a swab of vomit...at least I hope :eek:
The only issue that I would have is if there is loads of gallons and pints of blood all over the crime scene, everything else I can handle.
I guess I would have an issue with seeing the inner parts of a human being at first. Blood is okay but all the organs and stuff... ugh... But I think after some time I would adapt. After all, it's what we are. I think the biggest issue I would have is identyfing with the victims. I hate seeing others suffer or being sad.



I was flipping out in the finale! Yikes! :(

Maggots would have me running and screaming, I think, and spiders... well.... let's just say there'd be even more screaming!

Sara has a thing with saliva, like me. I really just can't stand stand bloody teeth and spit. It makes me gag. Anything else is okay, though. :p
Everything, except blood. I think I'll join everyone else and become a lab rat :lol: