I haven't really moved much (just to my place at city where I study and believe me, as a woman I have very little of stuff there

But my sis has moved quite a lot in the past few years and I've been there. Her biggest problem is not throwing away the stuff she doesn't need. Seriously, she has magazines and papers and stuff for many boxes and no matter how much I say "throw it all away" but no.
So I am pro-getridofeverythingyoudontneed

Like clothes, you never wear, take them to fleemarket or give to charity. Less stuff to move and at the same time you can get rid of stuff that's been filling your cupboards and closets for some time.
I'll have moving experience in a few years, but it's pretty much movign everone else out of the house

I get this farm (and house) and my parents are building a new house for their retirement. So I've said to mom to take anything she wants (well, she has bought those) and we'll see then.
I am highly annoyed of my brother who (he's 29 and lived home for few months since unemployed but got tired that he actually had to 'do' something here since this is actice farm) kind of plans that I'll storage rest of my life their hunting stuff and their dogs. Or he is probably thinking he can come here and demand food from my fridge anytime. We just discussed their guns and I sid "I DON*T NEED GUN SAFE" and he just goes "well they don't bother you here at all"
Yes those do. If I have them, it means they will appear here in the mornings, making a mess and leaving their hunting clothes everywhere withou cleaning (my dad and my bro are incabable of anything that even closey reminds of 'cleaning')
So my bro is moving out atm, he's taking little of stuff at the time and mom is frustrated because she'd like to clean the room where he has been staying and I'll be soon moving my stuff from noth home so they need space.
I hope this problem goes away in next few years (perhaps him getting a job far away

So erm, moving is always stressfull and time-consuming and you just hang in there.